is attempting WILD an imagination booster?

Well, i was trying to go to sleep a few nights ago, and i just couldn’t manage it, for one reason or another. Finally, i started just counting down and up and down… and still i couldn’t get to sleep. Suddenly, i decide: i want to make a movie. It wasn’t as precise as that, but just the urge to do so. and all of a sudden i find my brain creating an entire move based on the “little house of horrors” complete with little cutscenes of gigantic venus flytraps biting off the top of the empire state building and such, and eating people, and being as sadistic and crazy as any plant can be. It seemed to go on for more than 6-7 hours.

Now im wondering, was this a dream? im not sure, because i was exhausted the next day, and could hardly concentrate. If it was a dream, is there any way i could have gained controll of it? What it felt like was was like my mind had a mind of its own(ha, ha). Anything would be appreciated.

How real/vivid was the experience? Just hazy visualizing in the back of your mind, or actual scenes which you could have touched? Could you write down the plot approximately filling 6-7 hours, or do you just remember some “epic” story unfolded? Did you feel your real body? How about your dream body?

Just some things to think about. :smile: