Seems that I have stumbled on this very basic problem:
We have two schools of Dreamers around here. While the first one swears on the pure way of achieving LD - meditation, WBTB, DJ, SunEye etc., other one wouldn’t mind using some “helpers” for reaching the goal - mint, milk, goggles or what-have-you.
My questions are: does so called “cheating” degrade the feeling of LD? Can high level lucid dreams be reached only without any external help? Is it immoral to use helpers?
My opinion is that as long as one won’t ruin one’s own health it is OK to use anything, but I am aware that you may have totally different point of view.
Please share your ideas
There’s no ‘cheating’, and morality doesn’t come into it. Any method that works for you is fine, assuming it’s nothing illegal like drinking the blood of virgins you’ve personally sacrificed (Someone should test that by the way. Lucid Laboratory?).
I suppose that if you can induce lucid dreams without any additional ‘help’ then you might feel a slightly greater sense of achievement, but really nothing of any consequence. The only exception to this I can think of off-hand is that people who WILD tend to report greater clarity, though that’s probably not a universal thing.
I agree with jtk, but there are some benefits that can come along with learning to LD the “natural” way, including: increased awareness in waking life, mental discipline, and improved prospective memory. Of course, if you have already developed these skills by some other means, then I agree that there is no difference between the different ways of achieving lucidity.
Yep,totally agree.
Just a thought -of course natural way lding helps in self grow and spirituality but THERE ARE people who dont care bout it at all.They just want fun,so let them.And by the way…even then they will have a great chance for personal growth and such.
My only concern would be, if you become dependent on using drugs or other ways to lucid dream, you will never be able to do it naturally. I don’t know if this is the case, as I’ve only done it naturally, but I do think its a legitimate concern. But I don’t see it as a moral issue, or even ‘cheating’.
Also, if you don’t learn to do it naturally, you have to rely on other things to LD. So, if you can’t use them for whatever reason, you can’t LD. I think it’s good to use “props” only if you are already able to LD naturally.
This doesn’t really concern me. To me, there’s nothing wrong with external induction techniques. Each LD you have is going to give you a little more experience at controlling and prolonging the dream, so I certainly wouldn’t say it’s only possible to achieve high-level LDs using nothing but mental discipline. After all, the difference between the 2 isn’t as great as you’re making it seem.
Setting your mind to remember to notice when you’re dreaming produces the same quality lucid dream as having some external reminder spark your memory during the dream. As long as the external device isn’t overly loud and distracting, an LD is an LD. Besides, once you’ve trained your mind to accept dreaming consciously, regardless of methods used, lucidity is going to become easier in future with or without the help of your trusty NovaDreamer.
Well, I see no moral problems with this stuff, but I just hate the idea of taking drugs to increase LDing. I’m not entirely sure why, but I just don’t like it. Milk and stuff is fine, because it’s natural, but anything else just…I don’t know. I don’t like it though.