moved from Quest to lucidity to Stuff Dreams are made of
i dream a lot lately about this guy. here’s a background. i like this guy a lotfor 2 years. we weren’t exclusive. he’s busy with work and not ready for commitment. when i had a boyfriend, he told me he likes me, but i was in a relationship already. so i ignored him. we never talk for weeks now, for no reason.
ok, so here’s the dream. i had a dream 3 times already. he said he likes me and his feeling for me is real. this kept happenning in the dream. another dream was i was kissing a guy while he was there. and he’s not so happy or jealous about it.
what does this mean? should i call him? is there a chance that we’ll be in a relationship? is his feeling for me real?
It may just be that your longing for wanting him to like you conjured this actually happening in your dream. On the other hand, i am fully open minded and beleive that it is possible that this could mean he actually likes you.
I’d say call him. It cant hurt. Who knows, maybe he actually does like you and is ready to settle down with you now. If you do like him alot why would you want to pass up that oppurtunity. Go for it!
Hey Just_a_dream…
In my opinion, I think this is beyond the scope of just dreams. It may be as simple as finding out what ur instinctual sub conscious thinks of as the best choice. I mean, if u know him for 2 years, u’d atleast know if its safe enough to give him a chance, right? Unless ur already in a relaionship…
but anyway, as far as dreams go…The events in those dreams you had of him, could also be projections from your sub conscious. You said you had feelings for him, yet you didnt get in a relationship with him…so ur confused feelings could have manifested themselves as those dreams also. So consider both possibilities…it could be his feelings or it could be urs too.
and also consider the dreams and ur instinct outside of dreams to get a better understanding about him and you…
im by no means an expert…but i hope that helps…

One of the greatest things about dreams is that they let you explore things you don’t want to tamper with IRL. I’ve had dreams where a person I was interested in was a DC. The key to explaining what it all means is how the other person reacts.
For me, these dreams have been kind of like a message to the social part of your brain telling you whether you should ask someone out on a date, dump a person, propose, or forget about. In one of my more vivid dreams, someone I’ve liked for about two years completely ignored me the entire dream. It was a creepy feeling. I knew that I wasn’t “invisible” or anything, because I did have conversations with other DCs.
As it is said in Cinderella, “a dream is a wish your heart makes.” Think about the dream, and find out what it’s telling you.
You seem to want to call. Don’t overthink it and don’t let fear get in your way! Use your heart! ignore the dreams!