Perhaps it’s just my fears of LDs that’s keeping me from having them.I’m just worried that my life would become boring if LDing became common practice for me. ?:
So I’m just wondering,is it for you?
Perhaps it’s just my fears of LDs that’s keeping me from having them.I’m just worried that my life would become boring if LDing became common practice for me. ?:
So I’m just wondering,is it for you?
Well…i think you need to think it iother way.If your life is boring it will stay boring.If its not it will not stop being exctieful.
Thinking this way would be like taking away all the pleasures out your life cuz theres oallways a danger you will like something what you cand do everyday(riding a rollercoaster,having island holidays.or even trying out a girl in case you will get dependant on good sex and you will never enjoy it again).Wrong,one way street.
Those are separate things…no need to worry…compare it to reading fantasy books.Sure you would love to live them,but even if you dont you still readi it with happy face:)
A friend of mine thinks the exact same thing, and he claims he has lucid dreams. Regarding LD; I find that achieving high-lucidity and the ability to cause them at will, will satisfy me as a goal achieved and one extra edge I’d have over other people (non LDers). Low LD may not appear that exciting (from a small personal experience) but practice and a positive attitude will be rewarding no doubt.
Maybe someday I should just listen to myself and I’ll live a much happier life.
On the contray, I seem to think that LDs make waking life more exciting. Real life is like “input” for our “lucid dream processor.” LDs somehow puts a new perspective on things for me. It makes me question real life how I do lucid dreams. What would it be like to “wake up” in the waking world and start to see it in a new light. I have an idea how exciting it is to “wake up” in your dreams, life could be a dream that just waits for us to “wake up.”
I agree with dream addict. My waking life frequently inspires my LDs. For example, yesterday I was driving with some friends on the freeway when a huge blue train zoomed past us going very fast. Last night while I was walking down the sidewalk in a lucid dream this very same train zoomed past me, and so I ran as fast as it was going and caught up to it, letting the city become a blur beside me. By experiencing waking life everyday I feel I am expanding the possibilities of my lucid dreams. Also now I more frequently examine reality, existence, and other aspects of waking life that I’d thought about differently before experiencing dream lucidity. Waking life and lucid dreaming seem to add to eachother, in my opinion.
I reckon it sounds cool, although i am starting to wonder or not if i am having lucid dreams. :oh:
lucid dreams are great fun!
Ever saw the movie the Matrix well u can do and experience much…if not all…only limitted by your talent and imagination…
Hell no! If anything, it enhances life because you have more to look forward to. Even if you’ve had a totally bad day, there’s always a really great escape. Also, when you meet others who are active LDers, (rare, admittedly) you can have the BEST conversations with people you hardly know.