to have a relationship or sexual experience with a DC when you’re already married/in a relationship?
Curious to hear people’s thoughts on this.
to have a relationship or sexual experience with a DC when you’re already married/in a relationship?
Curious to hear people’s thoughts on this.
you should ask your partner first if it is okay.
I’d say no, as the person is not real. Either way though I wouldn’t recommend it. If the said persons wife/girlfriend found out they most probably would feel hurt.
I think it’s about as wrong as fantasizing about another woman while being in a relationship. If that would be considered as cheating, I think almost every man with a long relation has cheated.
I believe it could be potentially dangerous to the relationship IF you let the dream relationship become a big deal. If you really begin to love this dream woman, then yes, I’d say it would be cheating because you’ve allowed yourself to leave the sanctity of your partner’s love because of the lust for another woman, fiction or not.
I’d say no. No because you will have sex with, well, yourself. Or some part of you anyways. I say that because everything you create or is created in a drem is from your subconcious mind, thus being part of yourself.
Heh it’s quite ironic cause I dreamt that I fell in love with someone else, even though it wasn’t lucid, it still felt extremely real (like the emotion). I think it depends on the people.
I agree with you eduardoloc, it would be no different to loving a part of your brain, or loving yourself. Like an element of you internally, since that is what DC’s are at the end of the day.
I agree with edu and alt.
You may do whatever you like in your dreams, even loving a DC, as long as you are aware that you created that DC and thus love a part of yourself. Never forget what you have in your waking life. Don’t make the mistake of thinking you love your DC while you are awake. I’ve made the mistake before of mixing my feelings and I started to behave differently in waking life to find out after going through trouble, that all I experienced to be true (my desire of being loved by someone) was in fact all me and no one else.
The feelings you get are real, no doubt about it, and they may make your day a lot happier which is just a bonus, but don’t ever fool yourself. Seperate your world from the real world.
edit: if it’s just having sex with a DC, sure why not? You know, in ND you can have sex with a DC without knowing, it’s just what happens and it’s totally okay. It’s not actually someone else, it’s you and your subconscious.
I’m married and I’ll say I don’t think it is. Nothing is happening for real, it’s all in your dreams. Even if you get feelings for a particular DC, it’s just a part of your mind (beyond dreaming theories aside). It’s not a real relationship, not a real person. I can’t see how this could be cheating any more than masturbation. And my wife agrees.
Beyond that, no matter what, everyone will get dreams of sexual encounters and even dreams falling in love with someone else can be common. It’s just something the mind does. If that’s the case, majority of the human race is guilty of cheating.