Is it just me or is DV down?

Ack! Clutches heart and falls over

Barbizzle, you’re killing the grammar nazi within me! :thud:

BTW, that is the COOLEST freakin’ smilie in the world! Well, besides the dancing muffins.

I think i’m starting to suffer withdrawal to be honest…i keep thinking ‘what’s going on at DV’ but of course there won’t be anything going on, because the server is down…
I really hope it’s back soon…
I miss dreamguiding

dv is back up but forums aren’t working atm

Yup, and I’m getting the “Changing Hosts” message instead of a ‘site is taking too long to respond’ message now. We’re almost home again! :content:

Again, yay.

are dreamviews going to have a new server warming party?
/me invites herself :wink:

Come on over moogle! Err, who is bringing the marshmellows?

I’ll bring the beer and a video camera muahahaha…

:eek: video evidence of what i get upto at the party :thud:

I’ll bring the baileys.

Any Martini’s? :grin:

I’ll bring Chocolate!

“Who loves the chocolate, everyone loves the chocolate! Nobody hates the chocolate, 'cause everyone loves the chocolate!”

(yeah weebls)

/me will bring a bottle of vodka, a bottle of cider and some crisps :smile:

I’ll bring the tequila.

(I’ll hang out in our under-21 rooms…)

Oh be a rebel :wink:

I hic wuzz gunna…hic 'brrring a belch keg…
Seem’ter lost it sommmwer… :thud:

I’ll bring me!

No Party can start without atleast one of me anyway! (More than two or three of me and the cops get called and that’s the end of the party. So moderation is key…)

calls out into the air There’s no rush, ice, take your time.

I’m so glad we’re able to chill here in the meantime :happy:

And kim, don’t leave yourself behind. I’ll be counting heads when our party gets started.

DV’s back online! Let the party begin!

LD4All, don’t worry, I’ll be back on a regular basis!