My first LD was couple of days before. I didn’t try to get lucid, but I knew what it is. First it was’nt a lucid dream, but after I tried a lightswitch and it didn’t worked I remmeber I read something about that and immidiatly looked at my watch [it a digital one] and it went crazy. Then I was very happy and I try to think about stuff I can do. I know I can do anything in LDs but it was strange - I could’nt think about nothing. Flying, Exploring, and stuff… nothing came to my head in the dream, don’t know why.
Anyway, after some tought i decided i wan’t to bring a girl into my dream, but again - i tried to think about girls I know [and I know a lot of them] but in the dream nothing came to my head. Why?
Finally a girl I know came into my head and I didn’t use a technique to bring her, I just closed my eyes and tought about her very hard. After a while, when I opend my eyes, she was there.
Is it normal? I read here a lot and I understand that bringing people into dreams by will is not that easy and I did it in my first LD.
Is it a good sign?