to have a lucid dream? Or is it wise to just have total silence?
it just depends, sometimes people will mild that the next time they hear blank song, they will do a RC and go lucid.
Otherr people have problems sleeping with music, or it stops them from going lucid.
So basically its just personal preference.
It really just depends… I know a few times i have had a cd playing and could hear it in my dreams. one time I even had a song set on repeat and dreamt that i was at the bands concert and they were playing the same song over and over and over.
I cant stand toatal silence, but I cant sleep with music, or TV on eather. I have a big fan in my room, I turn on at night, I cant sleep without it, try that.
i also have problems going to sleep if i don’t have a fan on.
I doubt it’d have a negative effect on your ability to LD (could maybe even improve it). The only bad effect I can see happening is that it could keep you awake…
I fall asleep with a fan on and music usually playing with sleep mode on. But, I’m also new to this stuff. I haven’t had control of a dream yet.
I don’t see why it would have a negative effect on dreaming, though.
MWILD is a technique some use, hover over the acronym for a description
I’ll quickly repeat a story I have shared here. I once listened to a radio show in a lucid dream, and relaxed upon a dream lawn petting a dog as I heard the show. I soon woke myself up and continued to listen to the show.
I later heard a rebroadcast of the show and it was fun listening to the exact part I heard while dreaming. Everything was just as I heard it in my lucid dream.
For this reason, I can’t stand to sleep with a TV on. It’s so distracting and a bad influence I normally like silence when I sleep.
I used to sleep with music on, but it would wake me up during the night, so I stopped… but I’m thinking of trying again soon!
sometimes i listen to really relaxing music when i have insomnia. it helps me sleep but i don’t get lucid dreams
Really relaxing music could do the trick, but don’t use music which is in the techno/trance category in which they play scary sounds like “subtle booms” or “Dream Waves” or the like.
I can’t stand to have music playing when I sleep, I like total silence. I don’t think it would be bad for LDing though, on the contrary, you could use the music playing as you dream as a lucidity cue
If you burn your own CD’s you can try this method:
Record your own voice giving yourself a lucidity cue and put this between each music track. Use an audio editor such as Audacity (free) to fade in the first track on the compilation (so it starts silently and gradually increases in volume). Then set the timer to play the CD while you are still asleep early in the morning (after say 5 or 6 hours).You’ll need some good ear-plug type phones which fit right into your ear canal and don’t fall out easily for this to work. A headphone extension lead is a good idea too so you don’t roll over and pull the earphones out. Set this all up just before you go to sleep at night.
When the CD plays the sound builds gradually so it is less likely to wake you up, and very likely to be incorporated into your dream. Because you are listening to the music in your dream you are much more likely to pay attention to the lucidity cue when it comes. I’ve had some great lucid dreams using this method.
I listen to meditation music/soundscapes… and in the summer I can just open my window and listen to the peepers and bullfrogs. Infact, they’re so loud I don’t even have to open my window… It helps me, gives me something to focus on if all else fails. And I can’t sleep without it.
I have found i have a hard time sleeping to loud music. I have found i can sleep well to Ellie Goulding though. I really like skrillex but have a hard time sleeping to Dubstep.