Does anybody think it is possible to Astral Project in Lucid Dreams? If so, is it easy to do? I read that it is possible to just shout out (in your lucid dream) “I WANT TO ASTRAL PROJECT” and it is as easy as that. Any feedback on this would be appreciated.
I share the same interest about OBE also, and I’m no moderator or anything nor do I want to be critical, but it would be more helpful to all of us if you included your great questions in one topic since they relate to OBE and the quest for lucidity. Not to mention that one topic will get more attention and stay up, instead of getting dumped to the bottom. That’s what I’ve noticed anyways. There’s also a big sticky topic on Beyond Dreaming you might find interesting: (I hope this works)
Well to my surprise, this post somehow made its way into part of my low-level LD last night. I won’t explain my entire LD now, but in my RD I was trying to fall asleep and have a LD, and unlike IRL I actually managed WILD and just as I fell asleep I remembered to try an astral projection. I then noticed a really loud sound, sort of buzzing but I don’t recall how it was. It scarred me awake (in my dream) and I was surprised. There was also a part where I watched the room where I was sleeping from outside so it might have worked, but I don’t know the order this event took place.
I don’t know how authentic this was, being an OBE-initiating WILD within a RD lol, but I will try again on my next LD. Well this dream has inspired me to start my own LD-journal topic on Dream Diary.
Thanks for the info.
I will be more considerate in the future.
Happy “projecting”
Most questions about lucid dreaming that begin with “Is it possible…” are answered with a “Yes!” In an OOBE you don’t physically travel somewhere, you dream about it.
If that was true it would be called IBE, Inner Body Experience. Even if OBE’s are real or not, that is still the definition. OBE is OUT-OF-BODY experience.
I think there is a difference between OBEs and Astral Projection. I’m not sure what they are though. I’ve tried for both within my LDs. I don’t think I achieved it, but it did create some very interesting effects and sensations.
That’s inspiring. I don’t yet know what the difference between them is, but I have heard that astral projection is the new term. It makes sense, because you project an etheric body, while in death you actually leave your body completely.
Cosmic Charlie: Well you are right, in an OBE your physical self doesn’t go anywhere, what I’m concerned about is whether it is possible the etheric body can be ‘projected’ through the dream state, since experienced OBEers claim they attain such a state in a dream-like state, like Robert Monroe. It’s another subject whether it really happens, or even if such a body even exists, because science only deals within (and limits itself to) the time-space reality. That’s my opinion, good to hear yours.