Is it possible to dream during day-naps?

I am extremelly sick today so when I got in from work at 2 I went imediatly to bed. By 4 o’clock i woke from this nap knowing that I had just had a dream. I went back to sleep and it happened again around 530 or 6. I had about 3 nap-dreams total and cant remember any of them. I remember isntantly recalling them when I woke up though.

I have read that dreaming occurs during Rapid Eye Movement sleep, which takes 3-4 hours atleast to kick in fully. So how can I be having these dreams during the day when resting only for a few hours total?

I’m afraid what you read is wrong.
When you first go to sleep, it takes about 90 minutes for you to first hit REM sleep, then the intervals between REM get shorter and REM itself gets longer as the night goes on, and this effect can even carry over into the day, into your afternoon naps :wink:
In fact, if you were to get up after 6 hours of sleep, you’d probably hit REM after maybe 10 or 15 minutes, and if you go to take an afternoon nap, if your really tired, maybe after only 5 minutes :smile:

I thought the time between REM stages was 90 minutes after you previous REM stage ended?
Or does the intervals between REM stages shorten?

Idealy the intervels will shorten until you’re in constant REM… I might be wrong but my guess would be it has a lot to do with what kind of a sleeper you are (heavy/light)

i think i recall having a dream from a nap that was about an hour long or something but i am not to sure

You forget we do not only dream during REM sleep. We also dream during non-REM sleep(nREM). These kind of dreams generally happen when we first fall asleep in the evening, and also they migth happen during naps. REM does not mean “dreaming”, it just means that there is a process going on in your brain that causes eyes to move rapidly (mostly not related to movements in the dream!). The process that causes us to dream is active, wether REM is going on or not. It is only during deep slow wave sleep (SWS) that we do not dream at all since here our visual cortex is shut down. Hope this was helpfull info :smile:.

i take alot of naps, and in a few of them, i actually had very intense LD’s, just a few minutes after i fell asleep…

Its actually been written that the morning hours and naps during the day are the best times to try to Lucid Dream, because we dream so much during these times :smile:
And Forw4rd, it’s not that we dream constantly once we sleep for a certain amount of time, it’s just that our dreams last a lot longer, up to an hour or so, and intervals between them get shorter. You may dream for 10 minutes your first REM period of the night, and have to wait 90 minutes till you hit REM again, but in the morning, you may dream for half an hour, and only need to wait about 10 minutes before dreaming again, prehaps for an hour or so.