Last night before I went to bed I decided to read the entire book “Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming” because I was so frustrated with two weeks of failure. I made sure to pay extra close attention to the part about reality checks because I felt that was the area I was most lacking.
Well I must have planted some kind of subconscious command in my head because without really doing MILD I managed to remember to ask my self if I was dreaming. Nothing even triggered it I just held my nose and tried to breathe through it and found that I could! I then tried to jump to see if I could fly but only noticed a slight increase in air time. Soon after that I went to the mirror and saw that my reflection had a strange blue aura around it.
Now here is why I’m not sure if it was an LD: I never once felt like I was totally in control of the dream. The entire dream took place in a small bedroom and it never once occurred to me that I should leave it. Also, I remember telling myself to spin if the dream started to fade but I never did. All in all, it felt like I was never really using my full mind to be lucid; it was like half my brain was acknowledging that I could control my actions and the other half was still just writing it off as a dream. Later that night I once again remembered to do a reality check in a different dream but quickly lost lucidity.
Despite the fact that they didn’t seem to be full LD’s I’m still excited, because it seems that any progress is good progress when it comes to LDing.