Every time I wake up from a (seemingly) successful lucid dream, I wonder if I was really lucid. I want to test my lucidity the next time I have an LD, but I can’t think of a good test.
I originally had a simple test I was going to try, but I realized recently that it is flawed. It’s rather silly, but the test was I would find a banana in my LD and say, “Ooga booga.” I figured if I remembered to do that in a lucid dream, it would prove the authenticity of my lucidity, if that’s what it really is. The problem, though, is I have no proof that, if I did perform this test in a dream I thought was lucid, I remembered as a result of being conscious. I would often repeat in my head as I was falling asleep that I would do the banana routine in my LD, so I would remember when I was lucid. The problem is just that it would become routine; it was like programming my mind to do this action when I become lucid. And while that isn’t necessarily bad, if I am fooled into thinking I am lucid in a dream (when I am not), that triggers my recollection of the banana routine I planned, and thus I execute it, regardless of the fact that I am not lucid.
It’s very annoying not knowing for sure whether I was lucid once I awake from a “lucid” dream. I mean, I do stuff that I planned ahead of time, but I can argue that with the same point I used for the banana example above. My doubt is also fueled by the fact that I often forget to do some of the more important things on my hypothetical List of Things to do in a Lucid Dream.
I know there are ways of proving the validity of lucid dreams, but is it possible to do it alone? I feel there must be some way, but I certainly can’t concoct anything.