I’ve been considering trying to have lucid dreams for a while, and I wonder if it I should. I mean, when it comes down to it, is it worth changing your life around just to be able to fly (or have sex ) in your dreams at will? You might all think I’m insane but I don’t know, should I bother to try to have a LD? Please help me decide whether I should devote a large chunk of my summer to having these dreams? Thank you for your input.
YES it is worth EVERYTHING! Maybe it doesn’t seem worthwhile on your few first lucid dreams, but when you become advanced… you WILL be glad that you can lucid dream to do whatever you want.
I’m speaking from my experience. It definitely will worth your time!
And welcome to ld4all forum by the way!
I’m curious as to EXACTLY what you plan to do that will take a “large chunck of your summer”? This isn’t some huge time consuming project. And who knows it might even be fun to try!!!
Absolutely. Personally I find it quite comforting to take a break from work every now and then to perform an RC, or just think about what I’m going to do in my next LD. Don’t think of it as adding to your already busy schedule. Think of it as taking a step back and giving yourself something for your troubles. Lucid dreaming is a very rewarding activity, and it can brighten your entire day to wake from a particularly satisfying LD.
Besides, most of the ‘effort’ is applied when you’re already in bed. Depending on how much you put in, you can get away with simply telling yourself what you want at night, and trying to remember what you dreamt about in the morning.
Trust us, when you experience your first LD and properly understand just how sensual and involving it is (no, it’s not just like watching an interactive TV) - you won’t hesitate to prepare for your next.
Good luck.
The “large chunk” of my summer devoted to LDing is mostly in the form of attempted self hypnosis, sleeping late® and afternoon naps. Ain’t nothing unfun there. Sleeping is great!
Yes, most definately worth it.
I don’t think you’ll get anyone here suggest otherwise either btw.
Once you’ve had a decent lucid dream or 2 it also acts as a great anti depressant. If things around you get close to getting you down, you can think “well, sod all this there IS a better place. And I know how to get there!” It can help you deal with all kinds of real life stressors and even bereavment.
But on a lighter note… its also very, very fun!
In one word, YES!
They can be incredibly fulfilling and eye-opening. Hours after I’ve had a lucid dream, I can still tap into and experience the emotions that I had during the dream. I’ve been lding for four years and with each new lucid dream I have, I can’t wait for the next one. There are so many cool things to do, although I think flying is the absolute best. It’s like your own personal roller coaster!
Tarantulaman1000 if your dream recall is ok then its a yes!
Because once you can it sticks with you the rest of your life!
And its an awsome freedom…u can do all u want…even be a tarantulaman times 1000 lol!
Only recently have I started to teach myself to have lucid dreams, and already I love it. While dreaming absolutely anything is possible, and it feels as real as it would feel in real life. It’s a great way to escape the world around you. You can live any adventure you ever wanted. And this is coming from someone who’s barely had five lucid dreams