I’m brand new to LDing and Ive yet to have anything work. So I have a few questions for anyone who thinks they have answers.
What does waking up and going back to bed do for WILD?
Also, I have a lot of trouble falling asleep right away, I almost never fall asleep right away and I also have a very short attention span so I find it impossible to do the WILD thing of counting down or counting stairs and stuff. Any tips for that?
And also I really don’t fully understand WILD in the first place. How can you possibly keep your mind awake while your body falls asleep. Im pretty sure that’s a physical impossibility for me. My mind would drift and fall asleep well before my body because I would forget to keep reminding myself to stay focused which then goes back to what I said about not being able to fall asleep right away and having a very short attention span.
These might be some tough questions but if anyone has any tips please let me know, im dying to have a LD.
Also, are LDs REALLY totally realistic? Is it really like every day life and you see everything as clearly and think as clearly as everyday life? There are some guys I really wanna jam with (I’m a guitar player) and I wanna know if it will actually be like being in a room with these guys or are LDs still really dreamlike?
Also, are sleeping pills good or bad for LDing?
Sorry about all the questions. Thanks again and thanks in advanve. Wish me luck.
It’ll wake up your mind a bit, and then get you into the REM stages faster.
I’m not an expert on WILD, and I have the same problem. My only suggestions are:
A. Try to concentrate on something you like so you can stay conscience. (think of playing guitar)
B. Try another method.
Well I think it’s a bit easier when combined with WBTB. It probably won’t be as hard as when you just fall asleep. Your mind will slip into your dream if you can stay conscience enough for a while.
Depends on who you are. Sometimes they appear a bit fuzzy, but there are ways to get them clearer.
BAD. Most pills contain things that cut down the REM cycles, therefore giving you less dreams.
I find that true. My last one was the most vivid I’ve had! (though it was long enough for me to try rubbing my hands, yelling “Increase Lucidity,” and stuff like that)
Hi erik_ski! Welcome to the forum.
I’ve not a lot of things to add after Wolf’s reply. WILD is said to be more adapted to people who fall asleep pretty fast. You should try DILD methods (MILD, autosuggestion, RC’s).