Is LD'ing really spreading?

Our forum is growing fast, as well as other LD’ing sites. I used to tell people about LD’s and be laughed at, now I tell them and I hear that they already know… and I meet LD’ers IRL!
Don’t you think that the idea of lucid dreaming is becoming more popular, or at least more known? How many LD’ers do you know IRL? How many of them weren’t told about LD’ing by you?

I think there is a breaking of the ice pav but more needs to be done to increase the speed of the cracks.

Look at some of these top net forums (I clicked the post numbers rank) first number posts, 2nd members

  1. FaceTheJury - Real life picture rating forums 95821167 - 552000

  2. Vault Network boards - Role playing games discussion boards 86059907 - 518723

  3. IGN boards - General video gaming message boards 83257781 - 1147306

  4. Gaia Online - Anime roleplaying community 78603490 - 967698

  5. Off Topic - General discussion forums 23189465 - 23197

That video game board has over 1 million members! if you click rank by members there are boards with just shy of 4 million members!

LD4all is the largest LD net forum with 4,000 members cups hand to hear the drop in the ocean If every member of LD4all became a member of the top 4,000 net forums on the web I think we might make a change by creating LD threads.

Hopefully change will increase quickly, I do agree with you that I have noticed a change though, its just too slow for me though.

wow! :woah: Look at those large forums!!!
I knew about the Gaia forums because I think it is the largest PHPBB forum. You can refresh the main page and watch the number of members and topics grow! :gni: Poor global moderators! :panic:
Features such as search are disabled to reduce server load. :meh:

As much as I would love to see LD4all amongst the popular Internet forums … I also fear it. Large and popular message boards are banter forums. :neutral:
I think this top 5 list really says something about the interest of the online community. All 5 are general discussion type boards.
A fun and popular message board is open to general discussions, but a lucid dreaming forum has to limit general discussion somewhat.

I hope people choose wisely where to advertise their favorite lucid dreaming forum … or else we might get flooded with tons of banter! :cry:

Me too! :smile: I want change to happen right away! but I wish we can attract mature people that are truly interested in the potential of dreams … and not just another message board junkie. :help:

pav, I agree that the concept of LD ing is spreading. Everyone that I know well knows about lucid dreaming. :grin: I also think more TV, movies, and video games are starting to include or at least hint around towards lucidity. One day it will be main stream! :smile:

If LD4all grows too much (*), you always can spend a true hermit life in the deserts of the french LD forums… And don’t worry about not speaking french… there is nobody to reply ! :happy:

(*) I don’t think this hypothesis is realistic, but who knows :wink:

Once we have something that induces lds easily all those gamers,video maniacs and rpg fanatics will turn to lds.And thats when we gonna have the world changed totally.


I can see a great future ahead of ld4all :grin:

I think the internet has helped the spread of ld’s, since people who have LD’s can easily look it up and find out what they are, and spread them out. But I still think it’s by far the exception.

Yeah, but do you want LD4all to become that big? It’d be really hard to know anyone with such number of posting members…
However I think our forum helps a lot and I’d recommend it to any newbie LD’er.
(what would I do without LD4all? I don’t know if I’d be still interested in LD’s or motivated to have one…)

Is LDing spreading?

I think so. Let’s say 99 of 100 members joining us know what lucid dreaming is. OK, most of them leave the site fairly soon and never come back, but now we can count them in as “those that know”!

Unfortunately, members come and members go. Never counted them though. I can’t keep a tab on it all personally anyway.

Yeah, there are many people that become interested in LD’ing, but they quit after seeing how much effort and motivation it needs - one my friends was fascinated with the idea, but didn’t want to work for it.

i’d much prefer if we never developed such a device, however a dream recorder would be just up my alley.

if we could LD at will i mean… it could become an addiction, at last now it’s “natural” and takes some effort… granted there is only so much a person can sleep but… what if there is an astral plane? We have people screwing with things they don’t understand that don’t necessarily deserve access to it or respect it like someone who at least somewhat tried on his own did.

and all they’d do (like me) is sex sex sex fly violence sex sex show off my powers…

it’d help people learn a lot about themselves though, so hmmm…

" How many LD’ers do you know IRL? How many of them weren’t told about LD’ing by you?"
1… and 1… my psychology teacher.

It’s fun to fantasize about a time where lding is the top activity to do in your freetime…I guess telephones would have to change its appearance because noone want to be waked up by the phone… :silent:

and share dreaming is the place where friends hang out together :gni: