Our senses are only limited due to there physical composition. Our thoughts, dreams, bodies, and everything around us is composed of a chemical makeup. Our sense of smell is merely a chemical response in our brain and the same goes for what humans describe as love. It’s all simply a chemical response. So whether or not we become emerged in debating or discussing our belief in what “is or isn’t real” is almost irrelevant.
We can all agree as does the administrator of this website and researchers around the world, our brain emits electricity. Our body conducts it quite well and is comprised of mostly water (H20… chemicals that promote electrical impulses). The brain of any living thing and even the basic functions of single cellular organisms are built on the foundation of electricity. With that in mind, let me call attention to the ability of dolphins (a mammal) to use one of its ‘senses’ to locate objects hundreds of yards away. Or the ability of a homing pigeon to find its way back to its place of origin. How is this possible? The brain.
We consider both of these animals to be of relative or minimal intelligence. At least we accept our mental superiority over them. So why don’t we have these abilities… or do we? This concept is more or less a subtopic of LD and is almost embedded in the basic LD discussion.
Like previously discussed on this message board, in LD are we the only being with a consciousness? Given the uncertain nature of dreams and how little we actually understand about them… who are we to judge. Consider this…. Falling down, falling of a building and falling over is not a good thing. The word ‘falling’ is basically a negative word or is only used in a derogatory context. However, FALLING asleep is okay. And FALLING in love (chemical response) is okay. Why is this? No offense, we understand so little about sleep and yet we all seem so ready to declare such definitive experiences, which is okay. Let me explain.
Please take this post for what it’s worth. I propose we use only one small piece of our brain. If you sleep beside another person, like I do, you may have an experience something like I had a few months back. Were drifting off to sleep my partner and I carried out a conversation. . . into our dream. I’m not proposing we ‘shared’ a dream exactly. Nevertheless, we awoke having the same dream. The details and the basic frightening/startling reality our brains continued communicating beyond our consciousness leads me to believe the following…
Our brains can communicate with one another without fundamental forms of communication. We may not be aware of it… but it happens. Have you known what someone was going to say before they said it? Remember the saying… “If you’re ears are ringing, someone’s talking about you?” Where did this come from. Quite possibly from people who have experienced what I call a ‘relative brain connectivity.’ Not telepathy… nowhere anything near it. But just like LD, our brains subconsciously continue activity well beyond our knowing. And maybe something near telepathy could be possible… but it’s a tad far fetched. Who knows?
All this said… if the general human experience is merely comprised of many chemical responses (our brains interpretation of sensory input), when our heart discontinues supplying the brain with blood…. the electricity in our brains dissipates, brain function stops and … we drift off into a ‘sleep.’
People who have had near death experiences say it’s as if they fell asleep and had a dream. Moreover, to bring someone back to life… (pardon the expression) doctors electrocute the crap out of you. Electrical impulses surge back through your brain…. and those “near deathers” report they come back to their physical bodies.
I feel the concepts described are an extension or LD or at least is connected in some way.
By the way…. never have I understood or even heard of LD until today… 1/12/02. I now understand I’ve experienced LD in some way shape or form in the past… but didn’t know it. The things described have been floating through my brain for many years. It’s all becoming clear now.
Let me know what you think.
" to cultivate a decisive perception of this or any reality one must question existence in itself…" — Levi