I was driving on the freeway during a nice sunset due to the recent rains and I noticed how bright the Sun is. It struck me rather hard this time around…suddenly I had an idea: could Light be Intelligent?
Now while my specifics might be off, as I understand it, it takes two elements to create Life: Water and Light. When combined, these two elements take unorganized chaotic energy and creates life building patterns. These patterns, from their most basic in their aminoacid form to entire civilizations all have in common the same element: they organize themselves into working conditions which leads to patterning that allows for the perpetuation of Life.
[mod]Oh maan!
*Bruno slaps Ego Trippin around a bit with a large trout
Removed that small fragment. Obviously. [/mod]
Moving on from the topic of Light exclusively, patterns are an interesting aspect to life to me. Patterns in the world that we’ve built exist because of the intelligence that organized the random information into a predictable and repeatable pattern. Would you find a Quilt in the forest and think it came from the Trees? Trees and Flowers exhibit remarkable patterns as do the Galaxies we sit in and around. When we look into Space, do we not send and listen for patterns amidst the silent Chaos in hopes of finding Intelligent Life? We predict accurate weather based on past patterns of the Earth. We are in awe of animal life that engages in patterns and proceed to label them Intelligent (Dolphins). It is clear that Patterning is directly related to Intelligence. Light + Water always create a patterned Rainbow in which the pattern is the same in ALL its forms, no matter how you see a Rainbow. What I find funny is how we can look at our Existance/World and see nothing but endless patterns and try and claim that its from a non-intelligent source? Especially when we equate Pattern with Intelligence?
Taking this idea a step further and into a more tangible application to life, I thought of the idea of giving and sacrifice. All the great spiritual leaders and true free thinkers made large sacrifices all their lives, despite the hardships, to help others. Buddha, Socrates, Jesus, Ghandi, etc… When one becomes a true giver, they are usually referred to as a ‘shining light.’ A true Giver turns Chaos into Pattern by enabling self imposed structure (free will). A Society decemated can only rebuild once war stops and the people decide to give and sacrfice for the betterment of their neighbor and ultimately everyone. And then I think of a Sun, an Entity that might even be intelligent, giving itself through its entire existance just to provide life to its encircling neighbors until it explodes or shrivels away. Perhaps the Star is the ultimate Being, unconditional being. Perhaps this form is our goal in our Spiritual Ascension. Perhaps BlackHoles are merely the opposite of Light, consumers of it that give nothing back, much like the negative energy that balances our World.
To take this thought even deeper, the study of Quantum Physics has reduced all Matter in its essence to Energy,measured by the Quanta which is a ‘measurement’ of Light. All the matter that my body and brain is composed of is at its essence, all the same ‘stuff’ that somehow organized itself into a working condition that produced an intelligence that can contemplate itself and how it manipulates its enviroment. The debate is whether this was by “chance” and Evolution or an Intelligent Creator. What if it is both of these? Merely an energy that is composed of Chaos and as a result of Evolution, resulted in a working condition of Intelligence or Pattern. When Intelligence became aware of Itself, it created the division between Postive/Negative, Yin/Yang, Good and Evil,Light and Dark, otherwise known as the ‘big bang.’ Perhaps this Intelligence isn’t sure of why or how its even here either…which results in it being Infinite. Not even God can tell you why we’re here…in the end, the only thing that matters is how much you enjoyed it and helped others enjoy it.