I want to know what you views are on this question.
Do peoples bas LD experiences and “I can’t LD” cause other people to find it hard?
Thus we cause each other to find it hard, when actually it is very easy to LD.
I want to know what you views are on this question.
Do peoples bas LD experiences and “I can’t LD” cause other people to find it hard?
Thus we cause each other to find it hard, when actually it is very easy to LD.
I think you’re making it worse!
More annoying are posts that LD-ing is not hard at all, is dead easy, been doing it since I was 10, can manage 6 in one night, etc. because it suggests that you’re the one far behind everybody else!
is looking at Pedro a bit
heheh yeah i agree such posts can be frustrating.I hell know that!hehe
But well…u cant talk about the topic without it.
Like there should be no talk about porshes cuz most of us cant afford it:)
Anyways…i dont think its a placebo.I guess for some people is just harder than for others,sometimes because they just less talented in this field,sometimes because they dont know proper inducing techniques or do one wrong way.
Its like in swimming.Every kid can learn it…but one will do it faster,will have nicer style,and every step he takes in the pools pushes him/her metres further.And then there are ones who are scared of new enviroment and it takes longer for them to accomodate or later we find out that its just not the material for a swimmer-he/she will swim properly but the times he/she swims are much beyond the rest.Just life.
This should be a thread for those of us who are struggling. It is frustrating when you get natural LDers saying how easy it is.
BTW I never learnt to swim!
Learnt… Its right but it feels wrong. Totally agree moogle! I’ve accually convinced myself that Perdo y other natural dreamers are all lying. Doesn’t seem to help though hehe. BTW I never learded correct grammar, or how to conduct brain surgery!
It seems that a good middle point is ideal: Lucid dreaming takes some skill and concentration, but if you work at it, you are sure to improve. Which is basically what everyone says so there ya go.
I’m a natural lder… don’t kill me! I think lding is a skill just like any other, some people have a natural talent for it, but anyone can learn it if they try hard enough. I can’t play the piano for example, but i once knew a guy who could learn an instrument in 10 minutes after touching it. Don’t let it get you down if it doesn’t come naturally. If you really want it, you can still have it. Good Luck
LIAR! covers ears La la la la la la la!
This brings me back to that theory that because are minds arn’t really that diffrent from the Evil Ones (Natural LDers) that we too should have the ability to lucid dream that easily, I mean is it really possible that they were born with “unexplained lucid dreaming skills”?
I think that people will find it harder to LD, if they read how hard it is first… It might even make them too really try at all…
I personally do not think it is as hard as many people suggest… And nope, i am not a natural LDer… Beliving it is hard, will only make it harder to achive.
This brings me back to that theory that because are minds arn’t really that diffrent from the Evil Ones (Natural LDers) that we too should have the ability to lucid dream that easily, I mean is it really possible that they were born with “unexplained lucid dreaming skills”?
I don’t think some people are born with the ability to lucid dream easier than others. In my opinion, it’s simply that these people never surrendered the ability like the rest of us did. Most kids dream vividly, and even lucidly with relative ease. I personally think this is due to their minds not yet developing a solid sleeping routine, which becomes difficult to change later on. Anyway, ‘naturals’ simply continue enjoying this ability while they develop, meaning their mind’s sleeping routine retains adept at becoming lucid.
Most of us, however, are lead to believe (largely by society) that dreams are pointless and shouldn’t be concentrated on. That rather we should simply forget about them, and not spent any time discussing or interacting with them. Here we are 15 years later, and our sleeping routine is rock-solid – just without the ‘natural’ sense of awareness that we might have had we never lost devotion towards our dreams.
This is evident in many Eastern cultures. Some families raise their children to value their dreams highly. Each morning the children are asked by their parents to describe everything they dreamt about during the night. Needless to say, these people have extremely developed lucid dreaming abilities for this reason.
Anyway, that’s just my thoughts.
Yeah, that would make sense… I also realized that its not really that some people would be born with it, its just that some people are born (or at least brought up) to be very observent or aware of their surroundings, obviously something very critical to lucid dreaming.
Thx Atheist:)I guess we have a definition here:)Thats very valuable post
Let me frustrate everyone, not really. I can get at least 1 LD everynight sometimes 2…except they all only last for like 3 seconds and then i keep waking up. As for the placebo thing, I don’t really agree, it’s just a few posts on here. If you like analyze them for an hour, then maybe yeah, but not for me at least.