Is OBE really safe?

Well, Jack, some people use different techniques (colors, visualisations, asanas) to “fill themselves” with love, but i think is not as effective as using love and every day life… nor as difficult :smile: :astral:

Or maybe you are lucky and meet Jesus ! :mrgreen_hat:

Have mentioned the using the cross sign in Astral ? :cool_laugh:

There is no scientific evidence on OBE(s) and about if they are safe or not.

What I can tell you is that when you run out of an abundance of etheric energy, you are yanked back into your physical body.

The right angular gurus is resonsibe for the spacial projection distortion effect. In a sense either body cannot exist without the other, what happens at death is different and another subject.

No, you cannot die during an OBE. This is because you are still attached to your phsical body. If you are attacked ignore the attacker and imagine they become something else, your choice. Usually very effective. Or simply imagine a force field in the shape of a red or orange lazer net. This is because the coherent lazer projection focuses your shen or spirit, and this helps guide and generate a better and longer lasting field, and draws more etheric energy to make a thicker denser shield.

People theorize that if the silver cord was severed you would die. This represents your attachment to this plane of existence, and also in theory would be difficult to do.

This is because there is not just ONE you but many ego fragments which make up your total consciousness, and so called unconsiousness. Your mind is a collecive of brain cells. Diferent groups make up thoughts and memories, thus by trying to kill yourself your ego will not want to die and will fight you with every bit of quasi-etheric energy it has.

To maintain all the ego fragments and so called unconscious ego fragments after death is another matter, but something that is worked upon through lucid dreaming. Not something you can command like when you are awake but ask of your unconscious self.

Is nothing more than a conscious dream, so you cannot die… unless you have a bad heart condition or something. :razz:


well, I’m vanishing … so do my posts :angel_fly:

hello PhanthomSpectre :welcome:

my belief about OBEs and safety is that just about ALL are dreams, so they won’t be any riskier than being awake

Don’t try it,you will die if you are not careful.

Once you leave your body you only have a limited time to make it back and if you don’t you will never see this world agian.

or you might just wake up like having a dream :content:

Oh and a tip…leave fear out of the equation.

When I first started I had fears(because it was new to me) and even the smallest hint of fear cause me to see some pretty grim images that not even the darkest horror movies could replicate.I woke in a pool of sweat and my heart pumping like crazy lol

So shut up,stop worrying and start dreaming :smile:

Zwitter!Voice from the grave:)
Funny cuz i was just thinking about You today- Where are they now topic made me so.And saw this post few mins later- heh,really good to see you again:)