is that me?

i got some dreams that i see a person that dont looks like me but i know that is me and i see him do something just the feeling like i do that and then sometimes after that i enter in that body and the dream goes on.
i dont like these kind of dreams.

anybody else have the same dreams?


Sometimes Ill dream of playen a game on my computer…thena ll of a sudden I become what i was controlling, yet at the same time, Im still seeing myself controling it…very weird…

I’ve had these dreams in the past sometimes - usually its most present when the dream is very vivid. It is like there are 3 people in the dream scenario. The Dream Character (usually in my dreams there is one major character), Myself, and Myself viewing the dream. I have concious thought at times about what is happening in the dream, as a sort of mind apart from that which is playing in the dream. Sometimes in a dream I take the role of a character, and other times I am myself.
When the dream is very vivid, it is like I am watching a screen in my mind of myself dreaming, and not only that but I also watch the darkness that lies inbetween my dreams, waiting for the next dream to begin. Its very trippy! :shy:

Speaking of game dreams - ever have dreams in 3D? My favorite dream ever, has to be the time I was dreaming I was in the Mario 64 game. It was amazingly well done in graphic detail, and I loved being able to fly around and visit new and different levels! I was myself in the dream, but rendered in 3D. Everything was vivid and beautiful in bright sharp colors around me. :wiske:

something like that ,but it seems that u r more concious in

yes i had 3d dreams 1 or 2 times but they were not interesting
and actually not too vivd .
my problem with that kind of dreams(that i’m someone elese)is i
dont feel good when i remember dream, dont know why , maybe
beacuse i lost a good opertunity to become lucid or something else.
and more question : did u became lucid in that
kind of dreams ever? (dreams that u have more that 1 views of yourself that u r not that person)!!! :eh:

In short: yes.