Is there a way to trigger an OBE? (w/o use of drugs)

is there a way?

jumping from a very high building - you will undoubtably leave your body somewhere on the way down - if not, i almost guarantee you to have an obe as soon as you hit ground.

meditation - meditate on thought that you will leave your body, one of the following will happen.

  1. you will leave your body

  2. you will fall asleep and dream you have left your body

  3. you will go into a trance, and think you have left your body.

  4. you will fall asleep, and enter a lucid dream in which you believe you have left your body.

i am biased towards the latter options.
as you can probibly tell - i am skeptical of self induced obe’s (anybody that could actually do them would be far to mentally/spiritually developed or enlightened to care about this post anyhow)
but i am sure there are many of you who feel that you can do this, so! if any of you can actually induce an obe, please come visit me. i have a poster hanging up in my closet - tell me what it is - or tell me what any of the posters in my residence are?

obe’s arent as easy as ld’s… but best of luck to you

here is the deal…i will send a check for fifty dollars to anybody who can accurately see of whom or what the poster(s) in my closet are of “remotely” by means of remote viewing, ap, or an obe.
and then i will consider believing.


You can induce an OBE through WILD, or you can also use what is known as brainwave entrainment, which uses sound to alter your brainwaves.
Now, whether you’re actually out of your body is another question, but these two methods will produce the phenomenon that is known as an OBE if you practice them enough :smile:

thanks for the advice!

if any of you can actually induce an obe, please come visit me. i have a poster hanging up in my closet - tell me what it is - or tell me what any of the posters in my residence are?

That is something a little different from the regular Astral Projection and demands much more practice. In the average everyday Astral Projection (OBE) you go to the Astral Plane, which can be pretty much anything. To enter a plane that overlaps the earthly world plane is fairly difficult. Well it’s easy to find it, but it’s a LOT harder to enter it. When you get here though, everything is distorted, and things don’t burn into the memory like something normally would in wakinglife. For example, you enter the plane overlapping our world. You specifically state toyourself to remember what-say- somebody’s poster says. You know exactly what it says-say, ACDC. Then, when you return to your waking body you recall all the events in a completely different order with completely different details. Instead of ACDC you remember that is was a backpack you specifically remembered, and a soccer logo was hand embroidered onto one of the pockets. Or you remember nothing at all of your specifically resolving to remember the poster. (Note: I’m not sure if this is the case with everyone, actually, but it was the case with me)

Lucky for me, I’ve experienced this once before (I really mean just one time before). It took me more than a month to remember what I actually did in the astral. (The first thing I remembered might have been something something out of the mouth of a drunk man tripping on DXM.)
Astral Projection is very fun, so when I Master LDing, AP is the next rung of the ladder.

Astral Projection makes me sick to my stomach.

Literally, I feel like I need to vomit afterwards.