I have decided to do LL this way:
every five minutes or so, I stop and ask myself “is this reality?” and try to prove it to myself until I’m sure.
My theory here is that if I do this very frequently (or as frequently as I can without feeling exhausted) then it should become a habit and carry over into my dreams, so I do the exactly same thing there.
Will this work, and will it be enough?
It would be a good start I guess. Though, at the moment it sounds like a technique to reality check frequently the day. If I understand Lucid Living correctly, you are supposed to be aware of your surroundings, be aware of your senses and look at everything as if it were a dream, rather than just question the reality at certain time intervals. What’s more, by doing the Lucid Living technique you are supposed to live with these thoughs constantly, as opposed to doing RC’s just when you remember to do them, or when you see some dream signs etc. I am no expert on Lucid Living, so if I’m talking nonsense, someone correct me .
I have been thinking lately if my currently stressful lifestyle (my mother has dementia) is causing stressful dreams that are nearly impossible to control or if I’m having stressful dreams (that I lost something and can’t find it, that I’m late for something, etc) and it’s influencing the stress in my life! I’m not sure which is the cart and which is the horse? I tend to try not LD knowing I’ll probably have those uncomfortable dreams so, like the subject at hand, which do we tackle first?