Is this a universal Reality Check?

The reading check is often considered to be a reliable Reality Check, but some people find it unreliable since they have in fact read normal text in dreams - however, what if you were to pick up a book whose first pages you know more or less by heart - but not quite! - and you try reading it… shouldn’t this be an extremely reliable Reality Check?
I mean, if you read that book in real life then you will have no problems at all doing that, but if you try it in a dream then the pages are almost guaranteed to become weird and inconsistent fairly quickly.
The only way for the dream to trick you into believing it is real life now would be to simulate the text in the book absolutely perfect for several pages, without any possible inconsistencies whatsoever, not even a single word - and I doubt this would happen.
So shouldn’t this be a foolproof check for pretty much anyone?

Maybe. If someone knows a book by heart, be it Dr Seuss or Lord of the Rings, word for word, it may actually be the least reliable method for RC. Ones subconscious could simply pull the information from your knowledge to create the book. I have read DJs on here where extremely talented LDers, WritersCube in particular, have sat down and read books and watched entire movies from memory. Of course, he is an extreme case.

I have had many dreams where I have watched a movie, or read a book, all of which I have confirmed in real life as true. I find that (It may rely on intelligence, though I might be completely off) usually if you read something, and re-read it in a dream, it will say the same thing. Same with movies. Also, usually, there isn’t much text in a dream, and you may pass it off as reading it wrong if it switches.

I would stick with a more reliable method such as holding your nose with your hands, and then trying to breathe through them (It seems like it shouldn’t work, but both times I’ve tried it, it does) or (This doesn’t work for me, but a lot of people find it works for them) trying to manipulate the world. Such as turning your hand so your palm is facing away, then imagining intently that there is text on your hand, then turning it over to see if there is.

I created a topic a while ago about RC’s and how/why they work - in my theory.

I believe that RC will work only if you believe so, because if you are lucid you can either make your hands look normal or weird. Making them weird will prove you that you are in a dream.

The same goes whit reading. If you can menage to read or to make words and letters go around the page then you are in a dream again. So actually making something opposite from the physical nature and realness that we are used to will something make a RC. So anything can be RC, how reliable, that depends on the dreamer…

The dream wouldn’t need to replicate the book, word for word, only match with our expectations. Basically if we actually do know the book word for word, then the information is there to replicate it. If we don’t then how can we check. :tongue:

I think that within the dream, you can read the whole book and the whole movie.
But these informations stay stuck in the dream, and might not pass in waking life. (only in some bit at once)

If we have not read an entire page, I guess that the mind will fill it to look plausible.

I start to believe that just any expectation can become a reality check.
When you start believing you can’t read text in dreams, or can’t switch light, or have wierd hands, it becomes true in dreams and so your mind use that to activate lucidity.
Not sure how to train the mind to accept expectations though.

No reality checks are foolproof. In my dreams, clocks work perfectly and even have a reasonable time on them; I’ve even changed the time on clocks in dreams before, and then get confused in real life why the alarm time hasn’t changed the dream was so realistic. With text, some people will have to expect it to be messed up in order for it to be. You have perfect memories of what text looks like IRL, so your brain is completely capable of recreating it in dreams, it just doesn’t always do it.