Lets say you and another person at your house wanna be in a dream together. Would that be possible???
I don’t think this is possible. But there are two groups in the LD community. Those who believe in a super natural aspect and those who do not.
It would certainly be cool, that’s for sure. But possible? I’ll rain on your parade in a second…
@Dalorin: There is a third option, but unfortunately it doesn’t exist yet. One day, maybe it will be possible to have a shared dream with the aid of some kind of technology. As of now, however, we just haven’t got that far.
Anyhow, I’m a skeptic. There just isn’t a way to share a dream with someone else. Think of it: how could it possibly work? Many people report that it happens sometimes, but I’ve never been convinced. Usually, it’s just that the two dreams happen to share some kind of similarities, and they are interpreted, after the fact, to have been shared.
Also, there are ways to test whether this is indeed possible in real time, using lucid dreaming – in fact the same kinds of experiments used to prove lucid dreaming could in theory be used to prove shared dreaming, but that hasn’t happened. If it were possible, I think someone would have proved it already.
Sorry to be a party pooper
I think shared dreams are something that borders on the line of supernatural. I believe the claims made so far by anybody, is fiction or coincidence (please don’t take offense if you do believe in it, it’s just my personal opinion).
Shared dreaming may be possible when a “third party” becomes involved, something I think to be a machine that reads, translates and forwards information between the two (or more) dreamers (something like the machine in the movie Inception).
Basically it’d work like this:
Person A - Machine - Person B
The machine takes the dream information from A, passes it on to person B in a “readable” format as a dream (some kind of “dream injection” I suppose.) Basically their dreams will be synced up between the dreamers connected to the machine.
With something like this, I think shared dreaming is a very real possibility.
As a materialist, I don’t think it’s possible without the aid of extremely advanced technology, which has been mentioned on this thread a few times now.
But I won’t tell you what to believe, and you shouldn’t let anyone get in the way of that when it comes to spiritualism, spirituality, and religion.
As a dreamer, I think it’s extremely possible with advanced technology- then unique people will come out saying that they know how to sync up without the machine.
Whenever someone says machine now, I can only think of Person of Interest.
This is something I had wondered for quite some time… I had a lucid dream where I was confident someone else was present. I couldn’t see them, but they were speaking to me intelligibly. They were commenting on some of the things I was doing, and even had a opinion about my methods, and even me as a person. At no point did I meet them, but this dream stands out as one of the only LD’s I’ve had where someone didn’t have the same feel as a DC… It’s a little frightening at times when i think about it, but I’m fairly sure it was just a part of my dream. At least I would feel a lot more comfortable believing that it was…
Since they were talking about you, possibly even criticizing you, they were definitely a DC. From what you’ve said, he/she even sounds like a dream guide to me.
I have to say that I am sceptical about many things, including shared dreaming. I have however experienced inexplicable transmission of emotion with those I am close to. It’s a phenomena which has been widely reported although not scientifically proven as of yet. It’s also been noted with pets, who will go about their daily business until such times as their owner forms the intention to come home. They then go and wait for them to arrive by the door. I’m certainly not saying this is proof its possible. Nor is it even something which proves psychic ability. It just makes me less than ready to say I don’t believe it’s possible. It seems to indicate there may be more to these sorts of experiences than we currently empirically know.
So in answer to your question, it’s not certain and a subject of debate. For the most part however, there is a lack of any empirical evidence to indicate its possible. That doesn’t make it impossible however.
Well I posted something similar in another topic and I will say it again, of course, my opinion…
There are 2 mayor approaches to the topic in my opinion and:
is that the dreams are happening only in our heads
even though they are happening in our heads they can be transmitted out the head.
Now every body jumps and say: But we do not have a transmitter in our head to transmit dreams and that is true - at least for now because they are scientists that develop a theory which say that we actually have those. Brain is charted and we know how brain works but still there are too much evidence to neglect the fact that SD can be possible.
More and more scientists and researchers are getting into the consciousness. What consciousness is and is it definitely and strictly tied to the body? Can the consciousness be outside the physical body? Those are the questions that are asked today and I guess that they are asked because there is obviously no 100% way to answer them with no.
If consciousness is not strictly related to the body then I don’t see why shared dreaming wouldn’t be possible…
There is one really interesting information. When people are under anesthesia they don’t dream but the brain is still active and that what is making them ask questions. Patients under anesthesia don’t have a sense of time, no awareness no consciousness. I quote: “Anesthesia takes away consciousness.”
If anyone is interested you can find more data related to a doctor Stuart Hameroff.
I was put under aneshthesia several years ago. To my experience, i was told to close my eyes, and not 5 seconds later, i opened my eyes and an hour had passed. I don’t even recall falling asleep, or even beginning to get tired. It just happened.There did seem to be a small blink in awareness, but not nearly long enough to count for anything.
Here’s an interesting little tidbit though. Even though I don’t recall falling asleep, or feeling any time pass at all, the extreme weakness that I had when i did open my eyes did not feel sudden. Although I didn’t personally remember the time period that I was weak, my body did, and even to me it felt like it had already been there for an extended amount of time.