is this any good

Daily Targets

The next time I see a pet or animal.
The next time I look at my face in the mirror.
The next time I turn on a light.

The next time I write anything down.
The next time I feel pain.
The next time I hear my name spoken.

The next time I see a traffic light.
The next time I laugh.
The next time I hear music.

The next time I eat a vegetable.
The next time I see a red car.
The next time I turn on a television.

The next time I hear a phone ring.
The next time I check the time.
The next time I read something other than this list.

The next time I see the stars.
The next time I use a toilet after noon.
The next time I open a closed door.

The next time I watch a commercial.
The next time I run.
The next time I unlock something

u do RC’s for these subjects

I don’t see what would be wrong with all of those, provided you can remember them all.

I do not think there would be anything wrong with them at all. Just make sure they are things that you do or will encounter often.

wasn’t that just a suggestion though, by steven laberge?

oh and you only memorize the targets for the day, all week would be hard…

he didn’t actually say anything, he was just asking if they were good… they’re wonderful. i presume you mean that these are times to do RC’s? In that case, they are ok too.

[off topic]
did you see the lucidity’s phonenumber on the bottom of the page?

1 - 800 - GO - LUCID :lol:

[/off topic]