hey all,
ok when i woke this morning, all i could remember from my dream, was waking up, i had had a false awakening, i had got out of bed, walked around, and my house was all as how it should have been, i think i read somewhere that false awakenings are a normal accurence after a lucid dream, tho i wasnt lucid, but i had a FA could this mean im on the edge of lucidity, also, when i was going to sleep, i led there trying to clean my head by deeply breathing, and on eath in/out, tensing my muscles frmo the top of my bodyy to the bottom, like tensing on a in breath, and relaxing on the out breath, then moving to the next muscle ect ( i read it in a stephan leberge book)anyway, i get a really “scared” feeling, i used to get the same feeling for mno reason when i had my eyes closed in the dark, everything feels really huge, yet really small at the same time, and i can see my body floating in the middle of a infinate nothing, and it can see it in the very far distance, yet i see it from VERY upclose at the same time, does this mean something ?
thanx for all help in advance