Is this normal for an LD?

Hi everyone, and sorry for the extremely unoriginal title :smile:.
So last night, I had an LD. It started out normally, medium lucidity, and I was looking for my SG.
The beginning was fine, but towards the middle and end it turned strange. I knew I was dreaming and I could control things, but I acted totally differently than from how would IRL. Some odd things happened that, in a normal LD, I would never let happen. Occasionally the dream would change from first to third person. I could still control things, but I only controlled minor things, while in a normal LD I am more adventurous. Also, in a normal LD I think more about what to do and how to do things. In this LD, I didn’t really think about much.
I looked the same as I do IRL, but otherwise I acted completely differently. I was what I consider lucid the whole time and did frequent RCs.
So why was I so unlike myself? Was it just really low lucidity?
Thanks to everyone who answers and sorry if it’s really confusing and/or in the wrong section :tongue:

hmmmmm its possible your control was decent but your awareness was low. It may have been that you didnt really fully understand what was happening… It is still a LD --congrats-- but think of it as this as an example-------- You wake up at 3 in the morning and you are super tired, you still have control of your body, its just your not very aware since you are very tired- you may not act as yourself. Hope this helps :smile:

and i would say its fairly normal- definately nothing to worry about

Thanks a lot :smile:. I have had quite a few odd LDs, but that has never happened before :content: