Ok, so I had my first actual Lucid Dream on Saturday night. I flew perfectly in it, morphed the terrain (into a big white room. Heh…), and then woke up. I became excited about lucid dreams, and so I looked a lot up on Sunday about them and tried to get some on Sunday night. Well, I started a dream journal that I wrote in right before bed, then told myself “I WILL be dreaming tonight,” and then occupied my thoughts with other stuff until I drifted off to sleep.
I had not one, but THREE short lucid dreams last night, but they were really cloudy, I forgot a lot of stuff about lucidity and stuff I can do, and really just didn’t use it to it’s potential. I woke up this morning with a headache, and I almost drifted off to sleep once this morning thinking about LDs, but I’ve stabilized myself now without a headache or trying to fall asleep.
So, now my question is, is this normal on your first attempt to TRY to have an LD, or did I overexert myself on it too much? I didn’t have any SP when I woke up this morning, and I actually didn’t get drowsy until about 3rd Period today.
Tonight, at the moment, I plan to just let be a ND to let my brain rest, but I was just wondering if I was trying way too hard, way too soon. Thanks!
Congrats on your first LD! Telling yourself that “I WILL be dreaming tonight” can be considered a form of MILD, a popular technique where you affirm to yourself that you will become lucid. When implemented properly with a Dream Journal, it is no wonder that you succeeded.
And the reason that your three short LDs seemed cloudy is because your Dream Recall is just starting out, most likely.
On your first attempt, don’t try to force anything and let MILD take its course. It is common that starting LDers try too hard and mess up their results, but it seems that you were immune to this pitfall.
Keep up the good work, with continued MILD and your Dream Journal, you are sure to become a successful Lucid Dreamer.
Do you think I may have some ability to Lucid Dream? People say I’m really creative, but I’m not sure that really has anything to do with this. Then again, I just realized this actually existed. XD But if creativity does have something to do with it, it may explain how I could fly on my first try.
Thanks for the encouragement! I’ll probably just write in my Dream Journal tonight and leave it at that, since my brain may need some non-lucid induced sleep.
Many people naturally have the ability to lucid dream (like me ). I often have many LD’s in one night (in fact they usually come in droves). But this does not necessarily guarantee you success with advanced techniques though. I cannot do any technique apart from WBTB (but that can change from person to person). Good luck with lucid dreaming.
what do you meen? like there isnt a norm in worlds like the dream world and stuff and what you can do?
i believe that the dream world is onyl the dream world because you arent held back by other people saying you cant do this as that. Unlike the real world we are told to believe we cant do things. if our dream world was the real world and we lived in it 24/7 we probebly wouldnt beable to do things that we cant in the normal world…
I meant the pain I had when I woke up from my Lucid Dream on Sunday night (the night I got three forced ones in a row), and the fact the dreams were so cloudy and short and I barely had any control in them.
I did get some nice, normal dreams last night. My head feels much, much better, and I had three new dreams to put in my dream journal.
Well, occasionally i can fail to preform a power in a certain dream (such as not being able to fly without a broom. i almost succeeded last night, though ) but a lot of powers i can do with 100% success, like telekinesis or summoning.
so, there’s kind of like a demi-normal state. it’s like making a cake, and putting a different ingredient on top each time. most of it is the same, except for that little bit that’s changed.
i was actually just being a smart ass referring to an inside joke… nvm
To answer your question FoodGuy, the brain does need its ND’s to unwind… to go over the days events, play whatever things out it needs to. So when you have gone from no LD’s to 3 LD’s in one night, not only is your brain not used to it, it didn’t get the chance it needed to unwind. I’ve experienced it a few times… feeling tired and sleepy afterwards and what i’ve found is that the more stressful events that happen in the day, the more NEED your brain has for a ND. Having good physical and mental health would also help in preventing those types of symptoms. Stay in shape, away from stress and get plenty of sleep and you should be fine. SP only happens SOMETIMES when you are trying the WILD technique, and also if you force awake to quickly. Congrats on the LD’s… 3 in 1 night is very good for a beginner and i’m sure you should find it easier from here on out because you know what to do, and know what it’s like.
That said… you still need to work on your dream recall… when you get up in the morning try not to move, close your eyes back up and think about all the dreams you had, and memorize the general theme of each before writing them in a DJ. Laying still makes it easier to remember.
It also sounds like you didn’t have much conscious awareness whilst lucid… (you couldn’t remember what you wanted to try?) make it your goal for each time you become lucid, to just stop for a second and think. Then before flying away and doing whatever you like, just stand there for a moment and take it all in, bend down… pick up some sand and feel how real it is. Doing this will give you more conscious ability (i.e. more lucidity) and increase the vividness.
Wow, so not only did I actually accomplish 3 LDs in one night (apparently unusual for a beginner), but I knew my brain needed NDs before someone told me? Maybe I have more of a knack for this than I think… XD
I remember what I wanted to do, I just had a hard time doing it, if I could accomplish it. What I couldn’t remember is dream techniques to STAY in the dream. I could remember stuff like “LUCIDITY x1000!”, but not spinning and such.
My first Ld was really cloudy to, like i remember everything, but its a fast blur. As i wrote in my dream Journel alot my recall did get a lot better and so did the vividness of the dreams.
yeah most of the poeple are real friendly here, NOT somthing you see in the real world, especially school. Dude Foodguy100 3 LDs? thats pretty good considering everything. good for you! (i know that probably sounds bratish, but its with good intention)