Last night I went to bed at 12:15 AM with the intent to have WILD.
Well I closed my eyes and tried to make my self stay concious.
After 10 minutes I was bored out of my mind then like out of no where I saw an outline of a duck for aobut less then a second. So I’m sitting there counting to like 50 then starting over and I am seeing weird things but none of them last for more then a second. The weirdest thing I saw was of a fat man wearing sunglasses.
I think I was trying to look for the images and they were just part of my imagination.
Well I’m laying there listening to the ambience and all of a sudden I get jolted. It didn’t hurt I just felt like I was shocked for a second. I actually thought it was pretty cool and started counting again. Well all of a sudden the same thing happens again and it wakes me up.
The first thing I see is my clock, it’s exactly 42 minutes later(IT DIDNT SEEM LIKE IT!). Was I close to having a wild?
Oh and I ended up having a dream last night and remembering it! Weirdest thing too. Most of my dreams are like me watching my self do things. In my dream I found a credit card and my dad asked me to read it. I actually had another thought in a dream. I thought " alright in dreams I heard somewhere that you can’t read anything." Well I look at the credit card and its a mastercard but has no letters or writing on it… but the sad part is it wasn’t a Lucid Dream, I actually thought it was real.(the dream)
v_v I awoke to find out the 2 thousand dollars we with drew from the ATM machine was fake
What sucks about my dreams is nothing unreal or superhuman happens like me falling into nothing or flying. ALl the things that happen in my dreams can happen in real life and they are quite boring sometimes.