Is This Normal?


I am a newbie and first came across Lucid Dreaming while browsing the web yesterday. I was completely drawn to it and I found this website. I read all about WILD and the other techniques and decided to try it last night.

I was laying on my back (something I don’t usually do), trying not to think of anything. After about 20 minutes I felt my body go numb and the slightest hint of an image began to break through the blackness (Kinda looked like the sun setting behind mountains).

Anyway, as this began to happen, I felt my heart start to race rapidly and I began to shake. The weirdest thing though is I felt my eyes spasming. I think it was me going into REM. I was perfectly alert, but I couldn’t control my eyes. It was like when you look at the sun and your eyes force themselves closed. Unfortunately I was a bit freaked out by this and failed to give in completely, so I did not achieve lucidity. What I wish to know is:

Are the eye spasms and rapid heart rate normal when using WILD?

P.S: I tried for 2 hours but in the end I couldn’t do it. Today I am really tired. Is this also a side effect.

Got first WILD, a very long one, in three days. The HH here very clear, so clear I was dumbfounded at how real they truly were. The images are very real before u enter a dream. BTW i think I got a LD so fast was because of Suneye, a tech i wanted to try this weekend but played around for about 10mins with it last night. Im a newb to LD so 3 days is really good i think. If your looking to LD i reccomend suneye, i think 10 mins of it gave me my best LD ever and I only did about 1/4 of all the steps, cant wait to try whole thing.

I think rapid heart rate is due to excitement. I never had problems controlling my eyes, I remember my involuntary LDs where I could wake up by contracting the eyelids some way.

Sounds just like my first WILD, perfectly normal in everyway. Try WBTB, it really helps. I get lucid in 5 minutes, instead of an hour. If you do it right when you go to sleep it takes forever.

Lots of people say they have them. I’ve no explanation but it seems to be common amongst WILD beginners. So don’t worry, it’s not important.

Yeah I remember a few times during a WILD or WBTB process where I could feel my eyes moving around rapidly under my eye lids. I didn’t try to control them, i just let them move.

I have them