Is this possible?

Hello everyone, I don’t have much experience with lucid dreaming. I’ve had a couple of FLDs, and most recently I had a FLD that turned into a LD at the very end. I think I’m getting closer to having a LD for an entire dream. I’ve had trouble with MILD and WILD, never getting anything out of either of those, I tend to only get LDs through random RCs. But anyways, that’s not what this is about.

My question is, is it possible to lose control during a LD. Not like, losing lucidity, but being lucid while your body acts on its own. I guess a good example would be, if you were dreaming of a fantasy adventure. You drink from the spring, because its supposed to have some good effect on you. But then you lose control of your legs, (or arms, or whole body) and they act on their own, let’s say dancing. Is it possible to do this? Like, creating a potion that will give you X in exchange for losing control of your body for some length of time in the dream?

I hope my question is clear enough.

The answer to questions like this is almost always “yes.” Yes, you can be lucid and have no control. However, it’s usually a no-brainer to gain control. I guess it’s sort of misleading to say you can have no control, since that’s not entirely true. :roll:
Losing control intentionally, like you suggested, would be tough, but it’s definitely possible. Again, though, you are never completely helpless.