Hi,i just wanted to find out if what i’m experiencing is close to a lucid dream and if this is in fact REM. I lie down close my eyes,and dont think about anything or move at all and just stare at the blackness. I say to myself am i dreaming over and over and then the blackness starts to flash,not sure how to explain it,but it sort of gets closer and my body gets lighter and more relaxed. Then my eyes start twitching and gets faster and faster,now i try imagine a scene,but im concentrating on my eyes and then it just fades away and i have to move. I just cannot get passed that. Any ideas on what i can do at that point? Thanks
Moved from General Lucidness.
When are you doing this? If you are doing this at WBTB, it can be the entering of a REM state, if not, I’m not really sure of what’s going on.
Not WBTB,i do sleep very late/early,like 7am.But it happens everytime i try WILD. I read a post on here where someone had similair experience.
Welcome Lucidifier ! I definitely know what you mean about the blackness getting closer & have had this happen to me. You could be going into REM & might be concentrating to hard which wakes you up even more which could explain why you have to move. But it also might just be a roll over signal. Also, try to let the HI form more before you try making a scene.
Cool,thanks for the tips.