It just dreamt... that I had a Lucid Dream!!!

Hi all,

I’ve started to try having a LD over three month ago, and I still didn’t succed.

But this night, I had a very bizarre dream. I dreamt that I was speaking of some dream stuff with some of my friends. Then, a little bit later, I remembered having dreamt that, and I said myself: “I’m an idiot, I should have done a RT”. Then I said myself: “and if I was dreaming?”.
And just at this moment, something very bizarre happenend: it was like if I had the choice between waking up or staying in my dream. I managed not to wake up. But at this moment, I heard voices of my parents speaking in the room near my bedroom, and I am generally woken up by those voices. In the dream, I had to try hard not to wake up, and I half-managed. The dream started to become very blury, and I hadn’t got the impression that I was controling my dream. However, I started to fly, and I managed. Three seconds later, I had to concentrate myself to stay lucid, and I flyed a little more. And then, I lost my lucidity.

I woulf have been overexciting when I woke up if I hadn’t got the bizarre impression that I didn’t do a LD… but a dream of a LD!

Three things make me think this:

-I had the impression that I could wake up at all moment , that’s normal, I presume. What is less normal, is that I had the impression that I would wake up in another house and another bed than those in wich I was sleeping. If I was really lucid, I would have known where I was sleeping, wouldn’t I?

-It wasn’t totally my personnality in the dream. I mean, I became “lucid” in a small room, a kitchen, and I started to fly, but quite weekally. If I was really lucid, really conscious of dreaming, I think I would have done a RT! And then, I would have gone outside, to fly in a wider space.

-I hadn’t the impression that it was totally real. I mean, I had a little bit the impression to be sleeping in bed, and to think about what I was doing. That may be normal… but I though I was in another bed than the bed in wich I was actually sleeping! If I had woken up, it would have been a false waking-up!

It really is the first time that I dream of becoming lucid, I never became lucid or semi-lucid before. I was very tired that night, and maybe it was for that that I couldn’t become totally lucid, or that I had the impression to sleep in another place that where I was actually sleeping.

Well, would someone know if it is possible to dream of a LD, or if I really did a LD?

Thanks :content:

PS: sorry for some eventuall grammar-orthographic mistakes (I’m French).

Hi :wave:

It’s certainly possible to dream that you had a LD. These are called FLD’s. You acta as if you were lucid but you don’t really KNOW that you’re dreaming.

But, if you KNEW it was a dream, then it was a LD. What you think and do in the LD doesn’t really say much, as in low level lucid dreams you tend to be stupid :razz: you can also have false memories, crazy ideas and not do what you originally wanted to do in the dream.

Sometimes the line between a FLD and a low LD is very thin and they can be vary confusing :eh: It boils down to knowing it’s a dream. That usually comes with a certain click in your mind.

So if you knew it, congrats on the LD! If you didn’t, no problem, FLD’s mean you are very very close to reaching lucidity (and they can be pretty fun too!)

Keep it up :happy:


Well, I think it was a LD, because I knew that I was dreaming, but I think I was so tired that I didn’t manage to stay lucid more than 5 seconds, to totally control my dream, and that I didn’t remember exactly were I slept.
However, I don’t remember well this dream, not much more than a ND, and I though that I slept in another place, and I heard voice, so, it might be a FLD too.

However, this lucidness, who only lasted five seconds or so, was pretty cool, I managed to fly :content: :content: :content:

I’m glad to know that FLD mean that we are close to have LD

Thanks for your answer :smile:

I’ve had something like that too, i was just on my computer (not lucid) then i decided for some reason to go to sleep. Then in the second dream i realised i was dreaming but i thought the first dream was real! Then when i woke up i woke up first in the first dream and then into real life

A dream within a dream… just like in Inception :content:

Yes, it was the same for me. I didn’t wake up, but I was afraid to wake up in another place than the one in wich I was sleeping :smile:

Yeh i kinda had something like that once. I was in this room fool of paper and this old guy with a moustache told me that all of these papers had realiy checks on them and then he attached dynamite to them and blew them up. Then i woke up.