It Worked!

Ok I try VILD last night for the first time and it worked!
It didn’t work as I exepted tough. The begining of the dream wasn’t the one I incubated, and I don’t remmember how I found out I was dreaming, tough I don’t think it was trought RC. I think I LDed last night (which was very very low lucidity level and very scary) because my suc-conscious really believed I will.
Anyway, I had lots of normall dreams that night, and all of them were nitghtmares, don’t know why.

I’m going to school now (it’s 6:45 am here), so I guess I’ll write more about it later.


congratulation, I think that VILD is the best method, and you seem to be well on your way to becoming a VILD LDer :smile:

keep it up :smile:

Ok, I’m at school now and my first two lessons were canceled. So about my last LD - anyone have some tricks to keep lucidity and make it higher? It was wierd, I know I was dreamins but in some point of the dream I forgot about it and I asked myself “am I dreaming? a few minuets ago I knew it’s a dream, wasn’t I? nah…”. And I asked DC if they think it’s a dream and they say no. In some point the phone rang and I answer it and I don’t know why but in my dream I could know if I were dreaming trought the phone. So I picked up the call and then bang, I know I was dreaming. Then I looked at the pretty girl that was in my room (by the way I try to bring someone else but she came instead… don’t know why) and I told her “but you said it wasn’t a dream!” then she looked at me and her face turned into the scariest face ever with a huge smile and then I woke up. The dreams after that one warn’t lucid, and by the way they were all nightmares, and again, I don’t know why. So I’m sitting here right now and thinking about the dreams and what do they meant to say.
I hope I’m on the right path.

yeah, meditate inside the dream, but you have to be careful, in a dream you might not have control of how deep you go and you might just vanish into the emptyness(possibly die or go into a coma)…

Isgaroth, where did you hear that? I know several people who meditates inside dreams, and they have taken no harm from it. Have you ever heard about somebody “vanishing into the emptyness”? Besides, dreams only last for one REM period, so you would eventually wake up whatever you do in the dream.

maybe we are talking about diffrent methoods, anyways, the methood im talking about clears your mind completely, even in waking life your mind doesnt snap back into reality on its own. i dont know if it would be less mesmerizing in a dream, so youre probably right…


(u likey da new siggy eh?)

i tried VILD the other night and it worked the first time i tried it as well

You can find some tips in this thread:
Problems staying lucid ?

Isgaroth: did you describe your meditating method somewhere? If you don’t, it probably worthes, as I would be interested in knowing how to vanish into the emptyness… It’s probably new: I know a lot of rather good lucid dreamers practising meditation for years, and no one was aware of such a method… :tongue: