Its getting WORSE ! :-(

This is not good. i know
i could usally remember 2 or 3 dreams per night…
until i started to try LD.
now i barely recollect 1.
or is it that i didn’t have any dreams??
-i maintain a dream diary
-i try to relax
-i do many other basic stuff.

i admit i’m just a beginner, but some days i am so sure and
+ve that i am going to LD, but those days i barely dream?
whats wrong??

i try WILD coz i think i can do it but never sucessfull



Ahh I have the same problem as you! I havent had any improvement and its really getting on my nerves. All I can remember from my dreams is a few small snippets, if that. I used to have 2-3 dreams maybe even more a night. :neutral:

Mm. It’s not that you’ve been having fewer dreams; everyone has at least 4-5 dreams every night (unless you’re sleep deprived…).

Sometimes DR seems to go like that. One day you’ll remember 3 or 4 dreams, other days you won’t even remember one. That, and people sometimes have bursts of time where they have very high DR, then go into droughts of no DR for a while.

All I have to say is don’t get frustrated. DR will come back to you if you keep doing the basics.

That’s certainly a dryspell. Such periods when we can’t barely remember dreams happen to everybody. So don’t get frustrated and be happy… you manage to remember one dream per night! :content:

Have you been stressed latly or just getting back into a new routine? I don’t know how old you are but I just had to go back to school a week ago and my dream recall has dropped severly compared to when I was on summer break.

I think the only thing you can do is just wait it out… as frustrating as it is.

Exactly :smile:
my school just reopened last week and my dream recall
has reduced. It must be the stress :eek:
any way thanks
I’ll try to relax and may be do some Yoga.
well you try to relax too :beer:

Same thing happened to me. I was able to remember about one dream every day…or night, but now I remember once a week, or even once in two weeks.


I haven’t remembered a single dream I’ve had in the last 4-5 months. Consider yourselves lucky.

Hmmm… this a little too much, Somnio Forte! :eh: Did you even try?

I use to be like that too before I started Lucid Dreaming (Which I haven’t had any :cry: …but then again I haven’t tried lately…) now like I said before, I remember like once a week.

i just remembered 3 dreams yesterday :cool_laugh:
how cool is that? :cool:
THanks to Skiff that i realised that it was due to
"STRESS " :bored:
for all those who dont remember be calm
just try to get up eariler than usual and take a nap again
and just keep telling ur self
“All that I see , i can Dream
All that i can see, i’m aware of all my dreams”
Good Luck

I’ve also started remembering more!.. :cool_laugh: Now hopefully some LD’s will come along… :tongue:

When I started LDing, the same thing happened to me. Usually I would remember 3-6 dreams per night. Then suddenly I remembered barely 1. I think it happens to all of us, but it will pass. :wink:

Mhmm, this problem has been happening to me too, it can most definately be caused by stress. Mostly school and what not :sad:

It’s mostly the alarm clock that’s killing my recall. Having to actually deal with something real can make it difficult to remember dreams.

When I beginned LD I was having like 2 dreams per night and it was good for me. But now I barely remember 1 dream per 3,4 days and its a long moment thats its like that. Ahhhh dryspell…