I've been wondering if anybody has/can do this in a LD

Ok, so I’ve never had an LD, but once I get the hang of it, I would want to create place where it is snowing, and I am inside a house and like drinking hot chocolate while looking outside into the snowy night. It would be so awesome just relaxing and doing that.

I was wondering if anyone had done this, or if it is even possible to do in an LD…

thanks for any responses!

It sounds like it would be possible :smile:

When you do this, here’s a tip - you have to expect to end up in the place you’re trying to create. Begin looking around your dream for a place like this, and expect that you will eventually find it, maybe behind a closed door, or at the end of an elevator ride, or maybe even on the other side of a mirror. This expectation can really help you when trying to create or find places and people like this.

That sounds quite nice. I get a nice mental image of it. although I want to go out to the snow and feel the weather.

hootie, the dreamscape is infinitely plastic–brimming with infinite possibilities where everything and anything is possible :yes:

You may not be able to create that place on your first try (took me a few LDs before I could really function the way I wanted :content:), but yes, with getting the hang of it you will be a god of your own dreams and you can shape the scene like silly putty :ok:

BTW, I absolutely love that idea :good: I haven’t done that exactly, but (in one of my toned-down LDs :smile:) I did re-live my childhood–complete with my childhood home and TV shows :hurray:

So, yes, it’s very possible–how long you can retain that LD…that could take some practice :roll: but it’s well worth it :wink:
And when you get really good, you can distort time in the LD and make the experience seem to last forever :cloud9:

Good luck, hootie–hope you accomplish that :ok: I think you will :smile:

Well, it’s just that I remember watching the Polar Express in 3D at an IMax theater, the atmosphere was awesome :smile:

Just sitting on a comfy couch, looking out for hours at the silent snowfall…so soothing

theres 2 ways i know of that you can do it

  1. teleportation - teleport to somewhere that has snow, like England in the winter or even antartica. This is basically the same thing as changing dream scenary. you could either close your eyes and imagine where you want to be then open them and your there OR spin around so that everything becomes blurry and just imagine where you want to be and actually see the blurryness changing colour (perhaps to white) and slow down or speed up your spin until you start seeing the changes happening.
  2. kinetic powers - use your mind to influence the weather and make it snow. see the clouds forming, see it start to rain, which turns into snow… use your imagination/visualization.

an important part in imagining is expectation, so try to expect it to work and imagine what it would feel like to be in that situation. Imagine your already there… how good does that hot chocolate taste? its warm isn’t it? it tastes good on your tongue, you feel it going down your throat nice and smooth. you go outside and play in the snow, its really cold in your hands, you can feel it melting, it makes you feel really good and happy.

So whilst lying in bed tonight, try and re-create the feeling of having achieved your desire before you fall asleep.

That is a great way of putting it, I will definitely try that tonight, althought the only way I am trying to become lucid is the DILD technique at the moment, which seems incredibly hard for me for some reason.

id like to add though that if you close your eyes whilst relaxing in your chair with hot chocolate, or get too relaxed, its more than likely that you’ll either wake up, or have an FA out of the dream. Getting too relaxed in a dream or not stimulating your senses allows your mind to parallel your situation with that of your real body and usually brings you back to it.

Yea… and sadly getting too excited makes you wake up also… LOL, happened to me everytime so far (except maybe once)… enter the dream calmy and then get excited! I believe that’s what you have to do… for me what I did when I wanted to get to a location was just to picture some buttons and thought to myself “when I press this one i’ll be in outerspace” and hey~presto it worked.

yeah, i can’t even close my eyes for more than a second anymore for some strange reason… if i do i can’t open them up again and i wake up :bored:
used to be able to teleport that way all the time, now i have to do it with my eyes open :bored:

If I force the senario too much I might get into a FA or even waking up. So I prefer imagining theres a small house nearby, enter it, while inside the house imagine how should be outside (without looking the windows) then get out from the house. :happy:

yeah thats like the door thing, where you imagine what dream scenary you want to appear, then open the door.

i was going to say just wait until it snows but you may live in a hot area. im sure you could make it snow somehow.

This is very possible! Through many means in fact.

It is funny possible, hootie. You can do whatever you like, from flying to metting your guardian angel :smile: so you should try doing it in an LD. Good luck having one, by the way. When you do have one, draw the senario inside your mind and you might appear there. Hope this helps! :smile:

I tryed to add an apple into my dream, I didn’t want to close my eyes and reopen them, maybe I’ll wake up with eyes open :confused:

anyway I just put my hand in front of my eyes and imagined it and it worked… kinda of :grin:

Yeah I do that sometimes…

If i want a pack of cigarettes then I wave my hand over a table and they appear. Or I imagine them being behind me and then turn around.

Then I use pyrokinesis to set the cigarette alight :cool:

My first lucid dream i morphed into the cheerleader girl from heroes then i was really amazed and looked at myself for a while. Lol then i tried to breathe fire but water came out. But it happened the second time hehe