I've done it, lost it...then...

Ok, I joined this forum September 2nd. (Account got erased for some reason) I had my first lucid dream on September 9th. Then I had another just 2 days ago…

I’m on some sort of ride with a window in it. It swirls around like crazy. BAM! All of a sudden I realize I am dreaming. Now…I start to lose lucidity, so I rub my hands together. I look out the window and see a wonderful site. I wake up! :sad:

Now, yesterday, I had a few dreams. I had a strange dream (Trust me, it was bizarre…) then I woke up. NOW, I use the MILD method. I have another dream and INSTANTLY, I realized I was dreaming. Bad thing is, I lost lucidity after…oh…1 second!? (I don’t count this as a lucid dream)

So, my question is, why am I not able to control what I can do in my Lucid Dreams? Do I use my imagination, or would I wake up?

I’m just so confused…

wonderful SIGHT. :slight_smile: now that that is out of way…

Okay. One thing many do not realize (Someone told me before, I can’t remember) is exactly how stubborn human mind is. ^^ However, there is a way to fix. Concentration. remind self to concentrate next lucid dream, and to spend WHOLE ld not on fun (you only need one to do this, after you have all fun you wish!^^), but on improving lucidness and control. Thats what I did, and I got alot better the next time. After, I have long dry spell i still can no break. ^^ Hope that is help full. ^^

While doing MILD, remind yourself to spin/rub your hands or whatever else helps you concentrate on the dream. A lot of LDing successfully is being prepared. You need to have something in mind when you become lucid, so that you don’t just stand there. Then you’ll most likely lose lucidity or the dream will fade. Spinning when you become lucid may help. This way you’re focusing on the dream, and it’ll stop it from fading…

Have something in mind that you want to do. Say to yourself during MILD, “When I become lucid I will spin, and then fly.” This way you’ll be clear on what you want to do.

Did that help at all…? :bored:


The important thing is to not get excited. Just let lucidity happen. At the beginning of an LD, it is good to simply stop and focus on your immediate state and whereabouts. Allow a few moments for the dream world to stabilize, then you can go off and have a nice long dream. :happy:

I had a long LD this morning. I’d say it lasted for about 20-30 min in the dream. I was at a school, when i suddenly for no reason at all just looked at my hand and counted my fingers (guess my constant RCs when I’m awake actually is starting to pay off). As I had way too many fingers I realised that I finished school over a year ago, and that I couldn’t remember how I got there. The last thing I did remeber was going to sleep. Hence, it had to be a dream.

In the other LDs I have had I used the spinning and rubbing hands techniques. But I decided to try something different this time, so I just looked down at my feets and focused hard on the floor around them (I read this on this webpage somewhere). When the floor was clear and detailed I looked around me to see how “real” my surroundings was. I rember thinking that it was just like real life.

When using the other methods I had to repeat them often to keep the dream from fading, and I lost it after very short time. This time the dream stayed clear til I woke up much later. I tried to do different things once I was lucid, and in the beginning I was constantly trying to calm myself down as I was pretty exited. First I tried flying, which I have done before, but this time it didn’t work quite well. I hit my head in the floor, and although it didn’t hurt, I still felt my head hitting it (strange feeling).

Then I tried to make persons and things appear by expecting them behind doors I was about to open. I had no luck with this. So I just started to explore the area and went from class to class and disturbed the teaching. After I had been to several classes and said and did different things to people, two “agents” came to take me from the school since I was disturbing too much. But then I managed to sumon a gun in one of my hands and a knife in my other. So I shot one of them, and stabbed the other one twice in his back with the knife (I’m actually a very nice and non-violent person in real life, but when people tries to fuck with me when I’m lucid, I get angry). At the end I woke up because I got way too exited at one point. But having a LD this long was extremely satisfying.

My main problem seem to be that I lack control once I get lucid, but with more training and more Yoda thinking (“do or do not, there is no try”), I’m sure I will get control soon enough.

But anyway, I think the first thing you need to do is calm yourself down. If you get too over excited and don’t manage to suppress that feeling, then you will wake up right away (I have had many dreams where this have happened, but I don’t count them as LDs). Once you are calm, either use the spinning technique or “stare at the floor” technique. I’m deffinently going to experriment with the last one much more.

I really don’t know if this have anything to say, but I had been drinking a lot of alcohol last night, and was still influenced by that when I was having this LD.