I've found my problem

I finally know why I can’t replicate my first lucid dream. I am unable to completely rely on reality checks. It’s just that I don’t really have much awareness in my dreams anyways, they just fly by.

I keep thinking to myself that “reality checks won’t work, I’ll never do them in a dream.” I just don’t have the confidence that I’ll reality check in a dream, and I can’t believe I will.

Does anyone have any advice? I think it’s just that I don’t wanna put my heart into something that won’t work. If you can, give me a dream where you reality checked, it may motivate me :smile:

It’ isn’t good to rely ONLY on RCs, and in Lucid Dreaming practice you are your only enemy, do some auto-suggestions, read through peoples DJs , it will give you some faith again. The key to LDs is patience and commitment, you can’t do it if you don’t feel like it or don’t believe in it. It requires conscious effort. Just keep practicing, and keep in mind if you already had a LD , you can surely have it again.

I never do RC’s, they just didn’t catch for me. But I do get seemingly random DILD’s: when my DC-mom nags me to bathe, and I ask if I should take my sweater off first at least, and she says No, it just clicks that something’s off. If I’m in a train cart with clowns and zebras and happen to wonder why, or mulling over the similarities between Alice in Wonderland and The Matrix, or it could even be something as small as going to a school I remember in the wrong uniform. The act of questioning dream reality itself, for me, is the same moment/action as answering.

It’s more like the reality checks we’d get in waking life about waking life, when someone maybe says something that makes you realize, “How embarrassing! I have been wrong/naive/a jerk/etc. lately, haven’t I.” It’s the same kind of realization I get, “How weird! I’ve been dreaming all this time, haven’t I.”

All the ND’s in between, though, they just fly by for me too. That’s why I just combine WBTB with WILD, or try for a full WILD.

I don’t RC either… perhaps you are more of a MILD person like me! :content:
Dont give up hope though, whatever you do!

try WILD. Its the best method out there :biggrin:
you just have to stay aware while youre falling asleep, no RCs required.
Its much more rewarding too, as youre actually lucid at the beggining of the dream so you have maximum LD time! :lucid:
Good luck on your quest to second lucidity :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

I’d agree with you if WILD weren’t such a hard technique to learn and master. It’s the technique people have the most problems with for a reason. I’ve only done it once successfully and that was by accident. I’ve been trying for a long time and all of my LD’s save one were just DILD’s.

It’s a great technique, and I’ve come close to succeeding a few times. Heck, just the process of WILD can be rewarding in itself (so many unique sensations), but actually entering a lucid dream using it requires effort and practice.

But yeah, once you do master it, lucid dreams are guaranteed.

If you find RC’s aren’t really helping I think you need to slow them down. When you do an RC stop what you’re doing and really look at your surroundings. Does it look/feel like you’re in a dream? Is everything in it’s normal place? Are you wearing your normal clothes? Can you remember what you’ve been doing so far this day?

Adding in a few standard RC’s can be helpful too, but I think it’s the actual act of paying attention to the nature of my reality that has helped me to realise I’m dreaming. I don’t think I’ve had any LD’s that came as a result of RCing. But I have a lot of spontaneous realisations, especially due to dream signs.

Thanks for all the answers everyone :grouphug:

I’ll see what I’ll do, but I’ve been influenced, don’t worry :wink: