:@ ive just about had it with wild

i know ive made a topic about this but this is kind of differant. ok here goes,

  1. how do you WILD? i need a detailed explanation and it is no-where to be found

  2. i just cant seem to ge the hang of it, knowing fate ill probably WILD tonight but then never again its jsut i sit still i wait ans stare and it loks the same for over 20 minutes sometimes ive tried for, please help me someone

Stare? You’re closing your eyes right? :tongue:
Are you trying to WILD right when you go to bed? I have been to but as far as I know it’s hard to do, hasn’t worked for me yet, but I do get HI. You don’t see anything or hear things? Does your body feel numb or heavy? This is what happens to me.

[color=green]Hi Newb

I have found WILD to be one of the easiest methods. It will be to your advantage if you are tired and sleepy. the more tired and sleepy, the better :smile: . This is what you do

1] Lay down in bed and relax
2] Keep your focus.

That is it. A little detail on the second point. I keep saying this, brain is the biggest enemy when you want to LD. So take advantage of the fact that you are sleep and tired. The more tired and sleepy you are, the more ur brain will want to sleep. This is where you take advantage. Keep your focus. Do whatever you have to. Count your breathing. Visualise walking down the stairs while counting each step. Tap ur fingers slightly while counting each tap (my favourite :tongue: ) . The key here is that you keep your focus. The mind and the brain are two different things. Your brain wants to sleep. You keep your mind focused. Believe me when i tell you, you will feel your brain going to sleep. This is the whole point of WILD. You are ‘awake’ while you ‘sleep’. The biggest problem anyone counters with this is that they will lose focus and fall asleep. Dont let that happen. Keep your mind focused and you will get there.

A tip would be for you to saturate your mind with thoughts about LDs. Good luck. I hope this helps :smile:[/color]

I cannot WILD at will yet, but i do it a lot, here’s how a usual WILD goes for me:
I go to bed, and tell myself that i will wake up after every dream. I sleep for a like 6 hours (usually waking up every 1.5 hours)… I try to notice myself waking up from dreams, to become aware at the instant of waking up. that’s the tricky part. once i become aware at the right time, WILD is very easy: I relax and dont move at all. I don’t think at all. I should not make myself more aware than necessary, but i dont think: “i shouldnt make myself more aware than necessary”, i just know it. I should balance my consciousness, let go of my consciousness for a little bit, and just hold on to a minimum amount of awarness. at least for a few seconds. I also ‘feel’ my consciousness moving upwards, outside of my body. when that is done, i feel a change in my body perception, and at first it feels as if i’m stuck, but suddenly i get loose and i can float up and stand in my dream room. usually the dream is dark and hazy at first, so i just touch stuff or rub my hands to make the dream more clear.
I’ve WILDed through HI many times also, but those WILDs are rare for me. those usually go like this: i’m aware in the hypnagogic state, i find that my visualization powers are incredibly boosted, if i think of something, it becomes visible to me as if i was actually looking at it. Also i don’t think, I dont force the images, i just watch them passively, and at some point, the image is solid enough for me to ‘push’ myself towards it and enter it.
I found out that in any WILD, your awarness may act against you. you should let go a bit. it’s like thinking but with a very low voice… your mind should be (ideally) as still as the sea on a beautiful windless morning… if the image helps you understand. it’s hard to explain this state to someone who hasn’t experienced it. I used to read the WILD experts saying that one should let go of his awarness for a short time, but i never understood it before i experienced it. it’s not becoming totally unaware and then aware again, it’s like being aware of only one thing (be it counting, breathing, or just your awarness itself). and you only need a few seconds to WILD once you can get into that state. i hope i helped a bit. good luck :smile:

Stop saying that the brain wants anything, that mind and brain are seperated, that the brain is the enemy of the will, or anything alike. This isn’t Psychology 101 for total douchebags.

Stop saying to people what to think or write, if you do not agree counter the argument in a civilised way. I know you probably think that compared to most of the people on he forum you have superior knowledge on these issues, and perhaps this is true, but try to spread around this knowledge without the mocking and near insulting attitude.

Besides this, I think that there is much to say for the argument that mind (consciousness) is not entirely the same as your physical brain. Unless you are a die-hard materialist who believes that science has already provided (or will provide pretty soon) all the answers that is.

Well, I’m sorry, I’ll try to control myself better next time. I just have a certain fear that people might not listen and in a forum about lucid dreaming where most people are developed in a completely different way than the average mass it seems important to counter invalid statements in order to provide a nice basis for the whole thing here. Still, I’ll change :good:
By the way, I’m not a die hard materialist.

[color=green]Hi Xetrov and Korittke


The reason i say that the brain is the enemy when you want to lucid dream is not becoz i have a personal agenda against the brain :tongue: . Its becoz how many times have anyone tried to LD and they simply fall asleep? Dont take this as a fact or anything. Im making a joke about the whole situation :content: . As for the mind and brain being seperate, i completely beleive so. If you want to discuss this further, you can make a new thread on this issue and we can discuss it there. But before you do that, i sujjest you read an excellent aticle written by Xetrov. I hope Xetrov can give you the link coz i dont have it at the moment :sad: . But just to give you a small example, if the mind and the brain were the same thing, first of all, AP wouldnt be possible. Secondly, if you did manage to AP, then it would be your brain literally flying around everywhere :obe: [/color]

I have the same problem, I’ll sit lieing awake for half an hour before I give up. I’ve had alot of success with MILD so maybe you could try that.

I’m not extremely experienced with WILD (I’ve only tried it on a handful of occasions) but I have that found that a shift from my initial attitude was required. My initial attitude was that I’d read up on techniques and MAKE it happen; this approach just kept me awake.

The right idea, I believe, is to go to bed open to the possibility of a WILD, but without the intention to force it. Rather than trying to ‘induce’ anything, maintain a little bit of awareness and let it come to you. Also, its been mentioned a million times, but always try it in the middle of the night. Even if it means setting an alarm clock (which it does for me). This raises your odds of success so much that it is definitely worthwhile. Depends, of course, on how much you want it :wink:

Anyway, I discovered this ‘let it come to you’ principle one night when I had no intention of attempting WILD. I woke up in the middle of the night, got up for a couple of minutes (drink of water etc.), then went back to bed and gradually drifted back towards sleep. Eventually, while I was on the very edge of sleep, I snapped to awareness at just the right time (lucky coincidence I suppose), and noticed something in the middle of my field of vision… shadowy geometric shapes, small, barely noticeable, each shape quickly flashing by to be replaced by another shape.

I knew that what I was seeing was hypnagogic imagery (my very first :cool_laugh:), so all I could do was wait and see what would happen next. Sleep paralysis suddenly set in (felt distinctly like I was sinking into the bed) and most alarmingly, there was a loud thumping noises in both of my ears, like the sound of a heartbeat. It was loud enough to startle me, and even though I knew it ‘wasn’t real’, I was unnerved enough to render that particular attempt unsuccessful. A few seconds after, I was awake in bed, excitedly digesting what had just happened :happy:

I’d say that if I had stayed focused and been more relaxed (rather than nervous), I would have made it into a dream. Also, its worth noting that I was lying on my back at the time. This isn’t necessarily my favourite position for sleeping, but in my opinion it suits WILD very well, since pressure is spread more thinly over your body (by contrast, when you lie on your side, there is considerably more pressure on whichever side you’re lying on). I find that my ‘body awareness’ fades more easily while I’m lying on my back, facilitating the transition to sleep paralysis. But this may be a matter of personal taste.

[color=green]Hi Newb

Tell us if you you WILD’ed ok?[/color]

well when i wake up in the night (and sometimes after waking up at normal times) i can visualise stuff to a real level, by this i mean i can visual thing that i can actually see rather than through the minds eye but this has only happened to me half a dozen times and even then ive never done it after gogin to bed, ut in the middle of the night. so your sayign im supposed to stare? anyway wish me good luck for tonight MY god DILD is letting me down so i was hoping of turning to wild but hey.