I've Lucid Dreamnt before and didn't even know it

Hey guys, this is my first post on this forum, so if this is in the wrong section please contact an admin so he/she can move it.
Anyways, my name is Alex, and I belive that a few years ago, before I knew of Lucid Dreaming, I had an LD. So here’s what it was like:

I had just bought the game Assassin’s Creed, and I was loving it. So, in my dream, I dreamt that I was in the Animus(before reaching lucidity), and preparing to become Altair. But I felt something, that feeling when you know you’re missing something. Then I remembered: A friend of mine(called Luke, if you want to know), told me that some special people could write a secret code in their dreams and take control over them. But he said that first, they needed to pinch themselves to see if it was reality or not, otherwise it could go horribly wrong. So I pinched myself, and guess what, I didn’t feel pain! Then everything went black for a second, and then was at Masyaf, where the Assassins had their secret stronghold and everything. Then I noticed: It was me, not Altair! And it was first person, not third!
I explored around a bit, and talked to Almualim. He just repeated the same dialogue over and over, the one I had just unlocked before I had to go to sleep. So I moved on. I tried to look at my hands, they were only 4 fingers on one, 5 on the other with the middle finger very small, so I got scared, but remembered what my friend said: The people need to keep calm, unless they wake up. So I kept calm. The dream went back to normal. Then I went to explore an area I hadn’t seen in-game before, and I woke up.
(btw, anyone wondering how I got the info, I had a journal at the time.)

So anyways guys, that’s it for now, just wanted to tell you guys that.

I noticed that many people do. And the most fascinating thing about it is that they consider it as something “normal”. I do to but they don’t give it any special meaning although they enjoy their dreams very much comparing to people that don’t pay attention to their dreams whats so ever…

I had lucid dreams as a little kid, but I’d never heard of the term “lucid dream,” so I just thought of them as “dreams where I know I’m dreaming.”

I think back on those dreams a lot because, before anyone had talked to me about LDs, I didn’t have any preconceptions about one was supposed to do inside of one. Usually, I followed the dream—meaning I went along with what was already happening, but with the knowledge that I was asleep and dreaming.

My most vivid LD memory from childhood is from a recurring lucid nightmare, in which I tried to wake myself up at the scariest moment again and again (a monster was after me). Because no one had ever talked to me about controlling my dreams, it never occurred to me to try to change anything. I was also just very young and the monster was very scary.

I do remember consciously flying in one lucid dream from childhood. It’s the only LD from that time in which I left the dream scene to do my own thing. I was climbing my treehouse in my backyard when I realized I was dreaming and off I went (a pretty wobbly first flight).

Interestingly, in my teenage years I don’t remember any LDs, although I still paid attention to them. And even then I didn’t think about the “lucid dreams” I’d had in childhood because I’d still never heard of LDs. (I was a teenager in the '90s. Before the internet!)

I do remember incubating a fun vivid dream when I was about 12, though. Again, no one had ever talked to me about dream techniques, but I decided to try to have a fantasy-type dream where I would journey to a different world. And I did! I wasn’t lucid, but it was all extremely vivid. I woke feeling like it was all “real.”

As a non-gamer, videogame dreams fascinate me. I mean, I played my share of Nintendo as a kid, but I stopped around college. Their effect on lucidity has been studied. Apparently, a lot of gamers have lucid dreams because they’re used to “projecting” themselves into a simulated environment. Also, gamers have fewer nightmares because games prepare them for violent images in their minds.

I had those too. I guess I was around 10 or even younger. Those really are the only dreams that I remember from childhood.

I had few techniques back then for flying and none was “natural” as it is today. One of the funniest of them when I look back is putting on fins for swimming and they were typically yellow color :grin: and I would run as fast as I could, jump and then just work with my legs… It all had a background to it but I didn’t understand it then. I would get those dreams almost every time after spending a lot of time swimming. Because when I would lay in a bed I would have this floating feeling…

There is also one special dream that I will not forget like ever. As I was a kind I liked to spend hours and hours in living room watching TV but I had to have my pillow from the bedroom. I always had BIG pillow, really big and as many nights I dragged my pillow downstairs into living room and I watched TV. In the meantime I fall asleep, parents already went to sleep to and when I woke up I decided to go to sleep to bedroom.

As I was sleepy and groggy when I was dragging my pillow upstairs the pillow pulled me down and I feel of the platform from the stairs. It’s high at least 1.20 meters and it knock me unconscious. When I was unconscious I was dreaming that I was dead. I don’t know if felt more like and OBE. I was in ghost like form and I was not flying but more hovering above the ground. I went from the stairs to my parents room and my brothers and I saw them sleeping. Then I flew back down and was looking at myself and then woke up, feeling like this - :eek: . Took my pillow and went back to bed…