I’ve been keeping a dream journal and it has helped. I have multiple dreams a night.
I have also felt the sensation of falling and being paralyzed (and other weird things), but I’ve not yet had a lucid dream.
for me its weird because …ive also started pretty much 2 years ago myself…only thing is that it comes randomly to me…it never comes on the days i try…so maybe you should take a break for awhile and see what happens.
That is because you do not understand what it means to lucid dream.
Try to recall yourself walking. Attempt to remeber every single sensation: How warm it was, how dry it was, every itch, every scratch, every little pressure.
Can you?
If you can, than you are in a perfect position. Next time you feel the paralyzation, just begin to recall that walking. Use all your senses.
If you can’t, than you should go to the see at sunset, or anywhere noticeable, and do that,for future use.
You must remember that lucid dreaming is not like watching a movie or playing a video game. It is like actually doing this stuff. You don’t order yourself to go three steps left, but rather than that, you go three steps left. You don’t see people doing stuff from a distant camera, you see it from your own eyes.
You need to come up with a dream, and slowly let it wrap around you, until it is complete and you are in. Only then can you have a real lucid dream.
By the way, thanks for posting that. You helped me a lot.