It’s called IdXLog. It’s quite good, I use it and some of the DreamViews users do. It keeps statistics of all your dreams and isvery easy to use, with room for recording various out-of-ten ratings and dream details, as well as a description. A new version is in the works, with will be much, much, better, but for now PM me with your e-mai if you want it. It’s Win32 only.
to lazy to figure out the PM system
Why dont just put up a link?
yeh, you spammer
There are lots of free webhost that will host your file.
It’s probably a good idea for a program like this to have it’s own webpage too, so the users can get screenshots and technical information about updates, bugs, or system/software requirements. A webpage could provide direct communication with the user’s and author of the program. It’s essential for all software to have a dedicated webpage.
If you need a temporary host I’ll be happy to host the file if you send it to me. I can give you a URL for people to download from without bandwidth restrictions. Just send me the file to my email address found below this post, or send me a PM if you have questions.
Yeah I understand what your all saying about the URL, but I have some reservations about it that I needn’t go into. Just wait for me to get the next version finisshed… its a total rebuild so will take a while… and then yeah perhaps I’ll think about it, but I really know nothing about the internet whatsoever… sure I can write ASP but I have no idea what to do with it.
Thanks for the offer, though. I may take it up later.
I did PM pasQuale last week to see if she’d host it on the ‘How’ section of this very site… hasn’t replied though, least not yet.
Notice to Ld4all members who were interested: I can no longer send you IdXLog via PM/email, I’ve followed advice and will get a website up and running sometime; not yet though.