Job affecting dreams...

well before last Monday I was able to remember 3 or more dream a night(thanks to my DD) but now I have a job where I wake up at 6 am… I havnt been able to remember a dream fully since…any suggestions?

Perhaps you are too tired? When i am really tired i have problems to remember my dreams.Or your REM periods are at the wrong points,then you should try experimenting (getting up a bit earlyer or later,going to bad at a different time).

But at first,i´d just wait.Could be that you need some time to get used to the job and to your new sleeptime.So,before you do anything,just wait some time for your dreams to come back


The general rule is-the longer you sleep the more chances for good recall.
Heres why- most of our dreams take place during REM periods.Rem phase occurs every 90 mins.First one is relatively short and in time it gets longer to reach around half an hour in third cycle.
What we remember best is that last REM(also the closer to REM we wake the more we recall).

So- if you want improve it try waking up just after last REM phase. patient,let your body adapt to new hours of sleep…in time you should be back to good recall.