Jumping in a lucid dream

Have you ever tried jumping straight upwards in a lucid dream before?
I did it in a lucid dream a couple weeks ago, and I must say it did feel a little bit like flying, in a way;
I could jump more than 20 feet, then I stopped very briefly and gently floated down again.
I did this several times in a row as well, and it was a really bizarre but also rewarding experience.

I haven’t tried jumping straight upwards, but I really like jumping/bouncing while running in a dream. My body feels light and I don’t get tired. Often, I can make several “steps” in the air while “floating” in the direction I move in. It is a very good feeling. When this happens in a non lucid dream, it feels like a great discovery and the first step to real flying.

Yeah, that’s the way how I usually start to fly when I don’t take of easily, like hovering and then taking of really fast :smile:.

It’s a great feeling too, like Siiw described, feeling very light and without the burden/weight of the gravity… I guess that’s why we like flying so much, it unchain us from this earths gravity and make us feel less physical and more supernatural, at least that’s how I feel! :content:

Check to see if you are dreaming during the day while awake, especially if you find yourself in an odd or unusual situation. Checking to see if you are dreaming while awake will translate into doing a reality check while you are dreaming. Don’t pinch yourself to see if you are Lucid Dreaming, or jump in the air to see if you can fly: All that may happen if you do this type of reality check in a dream is you may feel a slight pain from the pinch, or if you jump in the air and try flying you may end up just coming back down from the jump.

I did the same thing in my last wild. And just like you I got about twenty feet up and then gently floated down.

Same thing i am doing and i am really enjoying it… i cant feel my weight this is the best thing to experience…

About a month ago I was lucid and tried to fly by jumping upwards but just ended up floating back down each time. I actually became lucid by realising how strange the floating was.