Junior Mints... Who wouldve thought?

Usually I remember one or two a night, occasionally more if I’m lucky… for the past two nights I’ve had NO dream recall at all. It’s horrible :bored:

I dont think that my mom would let me eat an entire box of junior mints…

My recall is about 0-1 dreams a night at a friend’s house, usually about 2 at mine. And blackeyeliner1, why wouldn’t your mom let you eat a whole box of junior mints? You know what they say, what momma don’t know wont hurt her :grin:.

Well, the fact that I don’t sleep at all when at friend’s houses probably doesn’t help my dream recall :wink: Since I don’t actually have any dreams to recall…

junior mints man…they are good.

Has anyone tried Tic-Tacs or Mentos instead?

I have tried Mentos, they are tasty. :happy:

Really, if mint works, anything at all with mint could be used. If nothing, there will be placebo.

actually, for me, I’ve found that constant mental reminder (that you are going to have a lucid dream) is not effective when I sleep. (It actually makes sleeping more difficult.) I just relax and meditate, replaying new age-like music in my head. ah, but mint anything does help to induce lucidity, or a relaxed state while preparing to sleep…and for me drinking a bit o’ milk before slumbering brings lucidity. so mint and milk? I wonder if a mixture like that would work effectively? I doubt it would taste bad.
and of other things…I recently found that keeping my room at a certain temperature, keeping the blinds open to let the moon shine through, and different sleep positions highers my lucid dreaming. just a thought. :slight_smile: