The first lucid dream I had after trying so hard and giving up came one night. I thought to myself " What couldve done this". Then I found the solution.
Junior Mints! I had eaten an entire box of them!
Mint Tea helps some people have lucids so why not Junior Mints!
There only like $1 at the store. Try it out!
Sounds like a good tip. I’ve never even tried mint tea before, but i think i will give it a go asap. Does peppermint tea work as well?? Should it be organic/natural therefore maybe home grown mint leaves would be more effective??
I dont know about peppermint… give it a try.
I did lucid dream again tonight after eatting half of a box of junoir mints. It was also the most long and I had the most control out of all the lucids I have had. Maybe I should go out and get a case of them… lol.
Someone else try this and see if it is a common thing!
I’ve never tried Junior Mints, but mint tea has worked for me. I think just about any kind is good. But your way sounds like it will taste better… They’re chocolate. They’re peppermint. They’re delicious!
Do you really believe that the success rate of lding has anything to do with your diet? I don’t but I’ll buy a box of Junior Mints and try it out anyway.
I tried the Junior Mints thing over the weekend. I bought one of the bigger boxes that was priced at $1.29 at Walgreens. I ate half about 3hours before sleeping, then the other half of the box about 30minutes before sleeping. No effect on me. I slept more then usual on the weekends and my dreams were neither more vivid nor could I recall the more clearly.
They didn’t work for me
whoa, thats a great little discovery. there are two reasons why i think that worked for you. 1) you got the mints in there and 2) you got the sugar and caffeine from the chocalate. im definately going to give that a try!
I think I’ll try this tonight and possibly post what happens tomorrow morning.
guess it’s worth a try, i mean… why not eat some candy to help you have vivid dreams???
Maybe try york peppermint patties… they are the same makup as junior mints.
I ate 2 packages yesterday, then one at night, I brushed my teeth and went to bed right afterwards. I kept trying to keep the thought “I will have a lucid dream tonight” in my head while falling asleep, but I guess nothing happened. No dream recall or anything (though I havent been recording my dreams for about 2 months now…maybe I should get more focused on this.)
Gonna try again tonight. If not, hell, Junior mints are good anyways!
Over here in Britain we have just started getting these disolvable mint strips. I’m gonna try some before bed and then see if it helps dreams at all.
I am addicted to Junior Mints. )My friend Allison calls them “sex in a box”>
I’ve had semi-success with LDing, and I’ve consumed Junior Mints on a semi-regular basis, but I havent ever tried to determine if the two were connected… My first thought though, is to say that no, they’re probably not, since Ive never noticed more LDs on the days I ate Junior Mints. But with anything of this nature (like the mint tea), Im guessing the more you believe it will work, the more likely it will be that it will work. So go nuts, Junior Mints rock!
I will certainly try that. They’re mint, They’re chocolate. They’re Very refreshing!
Well, they may be tasty, but they did very little to help dreaming. I remembered less than ordinary. I’ll try again tonight.
rock on. If the two are associated, that’s great… Junior mints and York peppermint are my favorite kind of candy… I never tried eating them right before bed tho
I got 2 boxes of juniors, one mint and the other caramel. No LDs or dream recalls, but I use the WBTB method and my alarm didn’t go off the night I had some. Bad luck I guess. Does anyone know if the caramels work at all?
I had two of the small boxes of Junior Mints last night… Unfortunately, I was sleeping at a friend’s house and barely slept at all… No dream recall or anything. Stupid of me to even try it there
Yeah, I can only sometimes remember one dream for the whole night, usually not though.