Just a little fun theory... About walking through walls...

Could you get stuck in it? Go around and see how your house is made? I’ve never gone through one, and Im listening to LaBerge’s interview, and he’s saying one to walk through walls. One is turning around, and imaging the wall gone. Well, if its a big wall, and there’s some space, when you see the wall, would you get stuck, and say When I walk out, I’ll be at my best friends house (or whatever)" Walk back out of the wall, and be there? :razz:

This might belong in Lucid Lab, but I guess I wanted to put it here e.e

I don’t see why you couldn’t do any of the above, as long as you believed it would happen… after all, you’re in a lucid dream! :happy:

Then this may be an easy way to “teleport”? After all, where are you thats not next to a wall?

outside :gni:

Ok, walk outside. How fall do you have to go until you reach a wall? How about a mirror, or elevator, or say your not in a sub-division, and a door. Im just meaning its much closer. I knew people were going to say that :tongue:

I’ve been LD walking through walls and glass for years. I do it so often now it’s even part of my ability in a ND. I find the feeling of the wall or glass somewhat more dense than thin air but I’ve never got stuck in one. Sometimes the wall is so dense I can’t get penetrate it.

Sometimes it can act as a teleporter but more often for me I just go into another room.

Yes the same for me, in many of my not lucid dreams i can walk through walls or walk over water. And in lucid dreams i use the same trick as in not lucid dreams and that is making myself empty or no mass density idea…i call it walking through walls x-ray style because of the no mass density idea…i picked it up as a small kid in my dreams after reading many comics from the avengers where u have a android called Vision who could change its density and then walk through walls. As a kid i tried it in a non lucid dream and it worked perfect. then later i did the same in my lds. these days i can stop my dream totally like its frozen in time just by making myself totally empty of feeling and thought…then all just stops and your dream is frozen in time…its fun when you are in a situation u dont like :smile:


I went through a wall, in my last LD. I found myself not precisely in the same location but at the other side of the house, positioned in the direction I wanted to fly and found myself flying.

I felt something when I went through the wall, too. Perhaps its density?
I don’t know…

I went twice through the walls in my dreams. The first time some sort of ghost grabbed my hand and we flew through the walls from my room to my brother’s. That wasn’t LD. Next time in an LD I flew by myself, but again through the same wall to my brother’s room. I also once flew out through the closed window in one of my LDs.

I ve done it on few occasions:)hehe it allways makes me smile when i recall it…
i was lucid and thought “ummm…im like a ghost now so it will prolly not work just pushing the handle so i must get through them”(i mean the door).I stepped a little back and ran onto them…heh,just my head went trough but the rest i left behind.I was stuck like this for few moments and i got back.
Second time i decided to get back more and levitating a bit i pushed myself off the opposite wall and superman style i hit the door.This time i managed to get out.
I usually get stuck in mirrors,walls and doors…allways something is left on the other side…leg,arm,head…that feels purely stupid:)

I managed to get out the first time I tried… since I reasoned it was a dream, this would be easy…

The clue is what you think, apparently…

I ussualy have feeling like ants would be cravling all over me :smile:. And some sort of pressure. Like being in tar :neutral: .

Just be careful not to fall through the floor :happy:.

What if your in a dream with no walls and only fields? :puh:

Getting through walls is one of my main aims. I have yet to achieve it.

Well last night I went crazy tring to walk through stuff. I tried everything. I found I could walk through concrete walls and wooden walls with some effort but steel pipes were too tough. I guess it was a case of mind over matter, or something. :lol:

Yes…its all about associations…suggestions towards your own consciousness :smile:


I wasn’t lucid in this dream, or at least I don’t remember being lucid. Just my normal dream powers.

I walk through walls few times before. I never have to think about it. I just dove head first through my room wall, and ended up on the stairs. Then I thinking “Wow! If I weren’t dreaming, I’d be feeling very very stupid by now.” ^.^

That’s why it’s good advice to always to a RC before jumping through walls or off tall buildings… just to be sure. :wink:

Hey guys, if you have trouble thinking along the lines of “there is no wall, it’s all in my dream” (there is no spoon) then imagine there really is a wall but decide and KNOW that the bricks are not solid, they are actually liquid in nature and that you can easily pass it. I call these shortcuts, I actually talked about them in another post the other day…

Someone wanted to fly. If you can’t get the control to do it yet then take a shortcut! Instead of thinking “I want to do this amazing thing and just fly!” try creating a jetpack or a rucksack with wings on it! When you take a shortcut you almost always realise that you didn’t need it once your doing it and throw away the jetpack! I couldn’t change the weather for a long time so I created a laptop that did it for me and once I’d started using it I realised I didn’t really need it and then it was easy to do it whenever I wanted! Maybe this approach should be used for going through walls…?