Just after watching Inception...

Hi guys, this is a very odd thing that happened to me last night.
Just before going to bed I had finally watched Inception (great movie, but this is not the point).
I tried some MILD mantras, but I couldn’t get concentrated, so I just fell asleep.
I dreamt a few normal dreams, that I don’t remember very well, then I woke up in the middle of the night, awake but still in drowsiness.

You have to know that I had all my lucid dreams, except the first one, in a very particular way: I wake up in the middle of the night, my eyes are still closed, than I get some very odd feelings (the first time it was like my body was shaked by invisible hands, another time like my facial muscles were forced to contract in silly ways…), and when they end I do a reality check and I found myself in a dream.
Until now all of these LDs have been quite short and unsatisfactory.

However, as soon as I woke up I thought: “I should do some MILD mantras”, but before finishing to think the first mantra I felt strong vibrations all over my body, and I was in a LD one more time.
There were a few odd things, anyway. First of all, I was in a semi-paralysis state: I could move my arms, or talk, but it was very very difficult.
I felt some difficult to move after every false awakening I had, but this time it was stronger than ever.
I tried to get up, but it was impossible.
I tried to yell “increase lucidity”, but I could just whisper one syllable at a time.
I tried to think myself rolling over my bed, and I actually rolled over it, but as soon as I touched the ground I found myself on my bed again!
I tried to look at my hand, putting it between my eyes and the light coming from the window shutter, but my arm was invisible. I felt it was just in front of my eyes, but I couldn’t see anything!

Finally, I assumed that the only thing I could do not to waste that LD was to have a lucid dream inside a lucid dream (Inception…).
I closed my eyes, and tried to MILD. After about 5 seconds I found myself into another dream.
And here comes the most interesting thing: I have read that multiple-level LDs don’t exist, and that when you try to have a LD during a LD, you just move from a dream to another dream, without going in a deeper level of dream.
Anyway, tonight it was like I was really having a dream inside a dream: the second level dream was confused, and every 5 seconds I could feel it fading, returning me to the Paralysed-in-bed dream. It was like having two dreams twisted interwoven.
After a while I woke up from the second level dream, and after a few seconds from the first level dream too.

That’s all, what I want to ask you is:

1)Do you know what the hell these “strange feeling induced lucid dreams” are? I couldn’t find anything like this surfing the net!

2)Have you ever experienced an “invisible limb” as I did?

3)Do you think it is possible to have dreams inside dreams, even if short and confused?

Thank you for your attention, sorry for the long post. I hope some of your are so patient to read it all :tongue:

In my opinion, #2. I think you were really, really, very, past the barrier but back inn the pen, close to Astral Projection. I wonder if SP can be used or IS the technique for it. Anyways, that’s my idea on #2.
#3. I would believe stacking dreams. Maybe the guy with the 2 week long dreams could do it. I mean, it obviously gets less stable, but it would be exiting the last dream into the first dr-oh you know THE KICK!