last night, i tried WILD, it was goin pretty bad, until i started to dream, i dreamed i was on an airplane, and i lokked outside, and we were in space, without any windows! i thought this was really cool, but suddenly i got this feeling in the back on my head, i felt like i was falling or something, i wasnt dreaming after it happened, but it felt cool, so i tried it again, it happened, again and again, and kept getting stronger, until i found that my body had gone to sleep, it kept getting stronger, and my body started shaking, i kept on doin it, it felt really wierd, i thought my hands were upside-down, and my head was leaning left, but it wasnt, i forgot where i was, and my minde went blank, no dreams at all. then i woke up because my sister and here friends were singing to this country music really loud, so after that i whent back to sleep, but i blacked out, and i dont remember anything after that, it was really cool though
Hm. Well, maybe when you thought that your mind went blank, you were already dreaming. I find that sometimes (most times, actually) when I WILD, I’ll be dreaming, but I’ll be in a dreamscape exactly like my room, still apparently trying to sleep…
wo thats trippy
Maybe that’s what happened to me. I felt the effects of WILD, and when it stopped I opened my eyes, but everything looked the same. I did some reality checks, but everything was normal so I went back to sleep.
It is only bad if you can’t get any further. You need to learn how you can move from there into a dream. Generaly you need to stay calm, and learn how much you need to pay attention to the feelings, and how much you need to ignor them.
If you pay too much attention, your body will not go to sleep. If you ignor them too much your mind might go to sleep. For some people it works best if they ignor the feelings completly, and do something else with their mind. I have to do that, if I pay any attention to the feelings, I never get to sleep. Other people can use them to enter an LD directly.
Just keep trying, and find out what works for you.
Note: this works better with WBTB or naps.
Thats not bad at all, you were experiencing HH. I barely ever get this, HH can be very “trippy” and “random” in my opinion, it’s much better than doing drugs to get these cool sensations. (I’ve never done Drugs) But thats the last step in WILD, all you have to know is when you are dreaming! Keep it up.
i paid attention to the feelings, and i know how to use them now, i can feel that way whenever i want now, it just took me some time to recognize them