i made a thread about how i could’nt achieve lucidness a while ago, and since then i’ve tried various new techniques and old, but no matter what i do, WBTB, WILD, CILD, DILD, just about everything, and NOTHING WORKS! the closest I’ve come to success EVER, is being having aa lucid dream inside of a normal dream, and i wasn’t even conscious…
idk man i just dont think i have it in me…
edit: oh yeah, i first started trying to LD about 4 years ago… I have a DJ yet only remember about 1 dream a week.
I’m sorry you’re feeling so frustrated. Sometimes we just work ourselves too hard and we can’t LD. I would suggest taking a break for a week or two and focusing on other things. Then try again.
Besides, plenty of methods and techniques take practice and dedication. Keep doing your RC s as frequently as you think of doing them, think about having a lucid dream, visualize yourself becoming lucid in a dream but not just while you’re going to sleep, during the day too.
Let me tell you this, good sir:
Especially, ESPECIALLY when dealing with Lucid Dreams… an attitude like that will hold you back big time.
You see, one thing I love about Lucid Dreams and their essence, is that they bring out childishness in us. As corny as it may sound, it’s like Peter Pan. If you truly believe, they will come. And when they do, adventure and understanding beyond knowledge is in our reach.
Ya man, what Namine said, you just have to believe. A big part of anything we do, even in WL, is believing in ourselves and our abilities. So even in RL, if you don’t believe that you yourself can do it, if you have doubts, then it won’t happen. So just convince yourself that it’s possible. Keep a state of mind that says, “Tonight when I enter my alternate world i’m going to have fun takign a go at… can’t wait!” And it will come.
What i continuously have to remind myself is that it’s not about the techniques. I mean sure a lot of people have success with the different techniques, but it’s not all about them. It’s how you can trick, manipulate, and use your own mind to do the things you want to do. Everyone is different. So maybe try augmenting the techniques in ways that suit you best. You know your mind better than anyone else, so maybe you just need to try something slightly different. It’s kind of how everyone has a different way of learning and perceiving the things around them. It’s an extremely personal process so you’ve just gotta figure yourself out.
Our minds are capable of crazy amounts of things. I like to think that we have the most advanced piece of technology sitting inside our heads. Having said this, you can do it man!!! Don’t give up and it’ll come.
thanks for the advice, but I havent been trying too hard to lucid dream, I dont get frustrated about it either until a little while ago.
And i know your just trying to help when you say “believe and it will happen” but for the first 3 years of my trying, this was basically the thing I did the most, I had absolutely NO doubts what so ever.
Yet after each year goes by, just simply “believing” seems less and less rational, as it hasn’t worked at all for me so far.
Sorry to sound like such a buzzkill, but im seriously thinking of just forgetting the whole lucid dream thing altogether…
Ok, but I’m telling you this out of personal experience: if you will ever hear the word “lucid” again in your life, you’ll feel sorry that you can’t lucid dream - even though you had that chance. Your choice after all
Then hey, you have 4 more years of practice, experience, and wisdom in terms of lucid dreaming. Every attempt you make, even if it is a “failed” one, prepares you to make a better attempt next time. Time goes by, you practice more and more, and then one day you’re going to be so well practiced that it’ll just click. You’ll lucid dream and after that it’ll be a breeze.
The biggest thing I usually tell people for LD’ing, is to keep a DJ. So this caught my eye:
Do you write in it every time you wake up, or only when you can clearly remember a dream?
If it’s only when you remember a dream, I suggest writing as soon as you wake up. Even if you can’t remember a thing, just write what comes to mind. Sometimes that will trigger your recall.
Have you tried autosuggestion to remember rather than become lucid? (ie “I will remember my dreams tonight” or “I will have very vivid dreams tonight”, etc)
If you already tried those or something similar, maybe you need a completely different approach. (If the usual attempts fail, try something drastic ) Try dreaming about something. How ever you want to go about doing it (autosuggestion comes to my mind), but try to force yourself to dream about something specific.
My idea behind this one is simple. If you want to dream about going fishing, and you tell yourself you’ll dream about fishing, come morning you’ll think “Did I dream about fishing?” rather than the more vague “What did I dream about?”
Oh, and of course think positive, don’t discourage, believe in yourself, and [size=9]blah blah blah[/size] all that jazz.
My theory is to LD, you must be a good at dreaming first. Besides, even ND’s are often fun
Try having fun while doing reality checks and just simply learn to be more aware.
Being aware of yourself, your thoughts, feelings, and actions is already an amazing thing. You are alive! Now that’s something to celebrate.
Be lucid while awake.
And it will follow you into your dreaming.
I know that feeling, eldwinn. Wanting to give up, feeling like you’ll never succeed. But once I think about the possibilities in a lucid dream, of course I want to attain lucidity, so I’ll keep trying
But, to me, it’s not only “wanting to become lucid” or “wanting to fly” - it’s about to “never give up”! I hate the feeling of defeat, especially if it’s something that I can blame no one but myself for. I don’t know about you, but I assume you don’t like that feeling either. And it’s that feeling that kept me going.
I’ve been onto the lucid dream thing for a while now, not once realizing I’m dreaming. Then I started slacking off severly, never writing in my DJ, my dream recall got terrible, I lost motivation. But after watching Iron Man on Blu-Ray and seeing the flying scenes I got motivated again. I downloaded the “Lucid dream curse” mp3 files and did some MILD attempts - and BAM! - Tonight I did the nose RC in my dream and noticed I was able to breathe. I didn’t get to do anything in my - now lucid - dream though, I wasn’t sure if I should do another RC to be sure and before I could stabilize the dream I woke up. But I was lucid, and that’s something I never could say before.
My point is: I did it - So you can do it too! And now go ahead and change that signature of yours from “none” to “not yet”!
I do admit to not writing in my DJ for over a month now, because of the lack of dream recall I’ve been having, and I haven’t been doing very many RCs either, I have done numerous WBTB attempts, but only get so far as either falling asleep, or not being able to fall asleep until dawn.
I think I just need more practice, but I feel that I know just about every LD method out there from 4 years of researching, and have tried most of them, but if anyone had a link to like a not very well known method or anything new I’d be glad to try it out.